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Posts posted by TANK2

  1. because obviously he has never shown the fact that he is a dominate player right?


    What I think of his off field issues in this is irrelevent......to dismiss him as a dominant player is just stupid

    Dominant player in the past. Unknown what he is now. Albert Haynesworth comes to mind. Money changes people. Dareus isnt off to a great start after he signed his new deal. You need to think a little deeper before calling people stupid. Questioning the Dareus of today is completely legit. Wouldnt be the first time a guy got fat and lazy after signing a life changing deal.
  2. Actually Ive had a change of heart and you guys are right. In the future Im just gonna post a standard answer for all topics. The players are perfect. The coaches are perfect. The GM is perfect. The scouts are perfect. The owner is perfect. The rookies are perfect. Did I forget anyone? If I did they are perfect as well. And if anyone doesnt agree they simply dont know football. Hows that?

  3. i see...then basically you dont understand anything bout QB/WR chemistry or the fact that wide receivers dont always receive perfect balls from any qb in the NFL to include elite ones

    So by your rationale Tyrod never makes a bad throw. Thanks for clearing that up.

    Tired and silly argument. By this rationale, no one drafted outside round 1 can be any good because every GM in the league passed on them.

    No. It means he has flaws. It means he isnt a shoo in to be starter in three years. Keep putting words in peoples mouths though. Your really good at that. Usually indicative of someone who cant make an intelligent argument.

  4. TANK - I agree all those years have been horrible. But how does you being down on a rookie 4th round QB who hasn't even played yet change any of that? I would submit that it doesn't. You have a right to be down on the organisation and you can even believe Cardale is not the guy (you are more than likely right) but attacking fans who think he has a shot does nothing to change the history or the future.

    Im not down on him. He is what he is. A 4th rounder who got benched his senior year. Its highly unlikely he's our savior. Hope Im wrong. No need to correct my english, btw, Im sure I missed plenty of apostrophes and maybe even mispelled a word or two. At my age I really dont care anymore. Just want to see this team win a superbowl and see the sabres win a cup before I die. I do have confidence in the Pegulas. I think they will get it done.

  5. And it's it's btw, not its.

    You guys are in the wrong place. Just go to google and type in "proper grammar". Im sure you can find someone who cares about apostophes. Apparently youve never listened to some of these athletes in interviews. Doubt youd be fans if you cared so much about grammar.

  6. Tell us more about how Cardale Jones is responsible for your butthurt and the past 17 years.


    Boo hoo. Take the English classes.

    Talk about having nothing. Its delusional btw, not delisional. Tell us more about english, Enstein. Might want to learn how to spell before giving english lessons.
  7. Nice meltdown, time to retake English classes. You live in a delisional world without apostrophe's.


    I'm on board with that TD vs INT ratio, light brite.

    Wow. Your really getting desperate when you start to critique my english skills. I just choose not to live on fantasy island like you do. Its ok. Nothing wrong with just being happy to have a team. Many people have low standards like you. Its actually a really good place to be. I wish I could be just like you. 8-8. 6-10. 4-12. No problem. And anybody who doesnt just accept that and isnt willing to shell out a couple grand a year for seasons tickets. 25 a game for parking. 10 per watered down beer and 6 bucks for a stale piece of pizza is just a negative jerk. All while subsidizing 100 million dollar contracts for guys who will be declaring bankruptcy five years after retirement. Your right.Im the one with the problem. 17 years and no playoffs. Hell. Lets make it thirty. Tyrod misses ten wide open receivers in Seattle. At least he didnt miss twenty. Must be great to have no standards. That way your never disappointed. I envy you. You also might want to look up the spelling of delusional, english expert.
  8. let's hear about these 1000 Giants with huge arms and mobility who won national championships. Cool stories tho



    He's got nothing for ya.

    Your right Cardales gonna be a ten time superbowl champ whose gonna be the first qb to break the 100000 yard mark for his career. With a first time ever 100 td to 1int ratio. Fifteen yards per attempt. 1500 yards rushing per season. 60 tds average passing a season and 20 tds rushing. Hell also be the first ever fifteen time MVP. Does that work better in your delisional world. Been enjoying those 17 consecutive superbowls the Bills just won. bet your really enjoying the 10000 yard, 100 td pace tyrod is on this year. that 150 yard td run he had against the patriots last week was probably the most exciting play in the bills 72-0 victory. great to be 8-0 this year with an average margin of victory of 95 pts. Which actually makes the 72-0 against the Pats a bit disappointing.Thought they should have put up at least 100 against them. And if you think I literally meant 1000 draft picks your not very bright.
  9. OK.....just step back and think about it for a minute


    Do you really think that a 6'5 mobile QB with a cannon that went against the best Div 1 college competition and won a champsionship is gonna be available to us in the 4th round if he didnt need some seasoning?


    Are you one of those people that think elite QBs can be picked up on the end ile at Wall Mart?

    Yea lets actually think about this because you clearly arent. Hes a 4th round pick who got benched his final year. Does that sound like a propect unlike what youve ever seen before? Doesnt sound like it to me. He has some skill but hes extremely raw and the likelyhood that hell develop into a starter is very low. Funny that you accuse me of thinking elite qbs come from walmart because you seem to think they come everywhere in the draft. You sound like "well tom brady got picked in the sixth round so we can find a hall of famer there to" guy. Jones got picked in the 4th for a reason. The odds are very much against him. Infering that hes some great prospect is nonsense. Your Walmart comment actually makes as little sense as the original comment I critcized. If I thought elite qbs could be found anywhere I would choose to ignore the facts and agree with that poster. There very hard to find. Right now the NFL has a handful of them. Maybe fix or six that are truelly elite. Doesnt sound like a position you can find anywhere.


    What exactly did he say wrong here?


    We can start with Im not sure Ive seen another prospect like him. Ive seen a 1000 prospects like him and they are all currently selling insurance after a two year NFL career. The guy got benched his final college season. Hes not John Elway coming out of Stanford.
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