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Posts posted by TANK2

  1. Buffalo News needs to sell papers, Buffalo Bills need to sell tickets


    When sales are in doubt, start a witch hunt

    A witch hunt? 17 f-ing years of no playoffs and anything negative said about the team is a witch hunt? Are you on f-ing glue. You friggin koolaid drinkers are ridiculous. Ive got some great waterfront property in florida. Ill sell it to you for five hundred an acre. Youll be able to get 10000 times that the day after the deed is recorded.Call me.

  2. And Im sure Rex said in the interview youve got to give me at least five years to find a qb and completely overhaul the defense because there are really only one or two guys that fit my defensive scheme. If this article is accurate with respect to the talent level then Rex should have passed on the job. The fact that he didnt realize what he was getting himself into is even more reason to can his ass.

  3. Read this yesterday. I laughed about as loud when they drafted Hackenberg as I did when the Dolphins traded up for Dion Jordan. Wasted pick by the Jets. Now, a year later, they are on Trubisky's nuts. There are only two QB's who will go in the 1st this year and that's Trubisky and Kizer. Kizer probably more mid-late 1st with Trubisky being the 1st taken. IF HE DECLARES...... because he still hasn't done that as of yet. :thumbsup:

    Kizer has Whaley written all over him. Can you spell BUST!

  4. Yes, a twitter movement by fans to influence front office decisions. Makes perfect sense.


    Marv was right about what happens when you start listening to disgruntled fans.

    Translation: Just be happy you have a team. 500 football means there are likely 14 or 15 teams with worse records than you. Nothing wrong with being average.

  5. Tyrod blows. Period. exclamation point.


    Pegulas are thinking of $$$$$. That's why they hired Rex. Record setting season ticket sales.


    Now they realize that the fanbase is smart enough to catch on .... after two years.


    So they'll make another change in order to generate those ticket sales.


    Winning isn't the priority. Maybe that's the norm for a lot of teams' owners. It certainly has been the norm in Buffalo from day one of the franchise.


    It's sad. I think fans deserve more, but maybe we don't.

    This has got to be be one of the silliest posts Ive ever read.

  6. Very disappointed with the posters on this site because it is clear you have an agenda or simply dont know the game. We will win the rest of our games by an average of 45 pts. They will not give up a single point in the playoffs. And the offense will average 85 pts in the playoffs in the greatest run ever in superbowl history and if you dont agree you just dont know the game. Rex, Russ, and Doug should get lifetime contracts at a minimum of 50 million a year.

  7. I tend to agree with this simply because of how godawful our O-line was with EJ for most of his starts.


    Its strange how people expected EJ to step in against Jacksonville and be red hot from the first snap. He actually settled down and played well for the majority of that game, which we ended up losing because of a ridiculous P.I. call.


    If Lynn keeps calling designed runs for TT and option plays, we're gonna see EJ sooner than later because Tyrod is gonna get a shoulder or collarbone im tellin ya.... he's too small to take this many hits.

    And EJs gonna still suck now like he did then.

  8. One other thing to consider is that we are currently 8th in points scored. Not bad considering one of our best offensive players has been out most of the year. Guys like Julio Jones, Dez Bryant, and Odell Beckham are big difference makers. Sammy, when healthy is in that class. Say what you want about Tyrod but he usually makes 4 or 5 key plays a game with his arm and legs. A little bit better play from the defense and we could easily have two more wins.

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