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Samwell Tarly

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Posts posted by Samwell Tarly

  1. There is an opportunity this year. More so than I originally thought.

    However, Dennison will have to find a way to generate some semblance of an offense because if they go 3 and out a lot and force the defense to play 70 percent of each game its going to be a long season. Sharpen your pencil, Rick. If you can scrape together about 20 points a game and control the clock, you might have a chance.

  2. Bills will have a top 15 pick and a bottom 5 pick.


    There are about 4 college QBs that are equally as good as Trubisky who went #2 overall.


    There will be solid QBs to be had threw 2 rounds next year.

    I hope you're right. Ideally they don't have to sell the farm to get a rookie qb. They need one, but also need to replenish offensive line and multiple other places on this team. Qb is primary, but need help all over the place.

    Gives guys a better chance to get on a team and play. Someone buried in the depth chart may never get a shot, vs the entirety of practice squads being accessible by all teams.

    Ok, then expand practice squads and add a few extra roster spots so you don't have to cut a promising young player just because you lost 3 or 4 players to injuries all at once and need to sign street guys to plug holes. Seems counterproductive.
  4. It seems a waste of a good start to this season, but not sure what move they could make at this point. I believe their ultimate goal was to build a solid foundation for future years, which means sacrifices in the short term. They gambled on receiving corps being ok enough with strong defense. Didn't work in Cincinnati. Some weeks it will, others they'll come up a bit short. I hope they come up with something brilliant, but most likely mediocre at best.


    ummm, they arent.


    22 starters, 53 total players on the roster


    for comparison:


    Baseball only has 5 bench players for 8 position players, there's 12 pitchers but they all have roles and are used.

    Hockey carries 1 bench player (2 if you count the back up goalie)

    True, but I don't believe baseball or even hockey experiences injuries at the same rate as football. Also, playing only 16 games, if a key player misses 6 games, its a bigger deal than in baseball, where you have 162 games and an extensive minor league system to replenish from. Even in hockey you have 82 games and once again a minor league to pull temporary help from.
  6. If you include the practice squad you essentially just nailed the current system.



    Part of it, just like limiting who dresses, is to force decisions- which helps create a more dramatic product

    How dramatic is the Bills offense going to be as it looks right now? Not saying more players definitely helps, but adding nothing like they're basically stuck with is gonna make a pretty boring, predictable, and inneffective offense.
  7. Just a question that's bugged me in recent years. Why are NFL rosters so restricted? Teams basically are allowed no depth and you can't even keep guys in the building to train in your system. Sometimes they have to cut guys they like to make room somewhere else because of injuries. Wouldn't league quality improve as a whole if teams could keep and develop more of their own players? I'd love to have this explained please.

  8. Realistically, I'm not aware of anyone who could come in off the street and make an immediate, significant difference. I agree with most if the posters here that they won't trade any draft capital either.


    Like it or not, there are backup players on this team. They are paid for this exact scenario. They made an NFL roster so they must have some level of talent.


    At this point, we'll have to see what OLeary is capable of. Logan Thomas hasn't been used much. I know next to nothing about Lee, so I'm not going to sit here and tell you he sucks.


    Its a temporary problem, and this is how teams deal with temporary problems.

  9. Bills could also go 5-11 and its not that crazy. No offense means defense ends up playing about 75 percent of the game, which leads to more injuries. A healthy defense holding opponents under 20 points gives the bills a shot, but if the score goes higher, they have virtually no chance. Unless they can get healthy and stay that way, their early success is not sustainable.

  10. I'm all in still. But they need to make a move. MCDermott and TT can say all day they have faith in this group of WR, but we all know that is BS.

    People have posted on here that they are worried about the lockerroom with a great defense and a bad offense.

    Well everyone in that locker room knows these WRs are not legitimate NFL players. McDermott can say next man up all he wants but they need to make at least two significant personnel moves by Tuesday

    Not sure there's anyone available at this point that's worth much. They gambled on Matthews' and Clay's health and got burned. No one left but cast-offs and rejects. Good luck trading for anything other than someone else's problem.
  11. Sounds like Clay will be gone for a solid chunk of time no matter what his injury is.


    I wonder what plan, if any, they are going to pursue to replace him for a sustained period.


    His departure from the game was definitely felt and probably played a fairly big role in our total lack of O production today...


    If they do nothing to repair that, then we'll really know they don't care about this season!

    They'll probably just insert Philly Brown.
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