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Samwell Tarly

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Posts posted by Samwell Tarly

  1. Bills need depth at wr. Remember last year when they basically ran out of them? This guy qualifies. Coach McD knows him. Maybe a 3 or 4 but Bills could use that. Don't know this guy, is he good on special teams too?

    Bills will most likely continue shopping for WR or draft one.


    Breathe and count to ten. It's March.

  2. I'm not a fan of tanking. No one seems to have a formula to ensure that the top qb picked will be a success, there seem to be a lot of factors that work together for success. Even Andrew Luck, who supposedly can't miss, hasn't brought a Lombardi trophy to Indy.

    Always play to win. Respect the efforts and sacrifices of your current players. A lot can happen over 16 games and nothing is guaranteed. Take the best players you can get who fit your system and don't waste cap money on shiny toys.


    The Bills have Tyrod for now, so they can draft a backup to train behind him.


    I'm as frustrated with this drought as anyone, but purposely losing to draft a savior is kinda like selling your house to buy lottery tickets.

  3. The Patriots do seem to be loading up for end of Brady's run. There is nothing Buffalo can do about that. The Bills need to build this team the right way through the draft, then re-sign the players who deserve it. I hate free agency week, because it's like all your neighbors are out buying Ferraris and marrying supermodels. Smart teams don't overdo this, unless someone is a perfect fit. I've seen so many of these guys get their big money then totally take their foot off the gas pedal. Or a GM falls in love with a player who's not a good fit. Back away from the ledge, Bills fans. Free agency is only one part of team building and it's an overrated one as far as I'm concerned. The Pats are doing this to give Brady as many guns as possible for a final run. Take solace that this means it's almost over. Not even Brady and Belichick can beat Father Time.

  4. Most likely Dallas, but with the right moves I could see:


    New England



    San Francisco


    Los Angeles (either one gotta sell boxes and suites)






    Sorry Buffalo, Cleveland, and others,

    Thanks for playing, but small,low revenue markets don't get to be Dynasties anymore. Green Bay will be the one and only.

  5. While I'm not quite ready to go down the rabbit hole on this, I did have an unsettling thought watching the second half. For those of you old enough, do you remember Hulk Hogan wrestling? He would look like he was losing most of the match until he would magically spazz out, beat up and body slam the other guy then drop a leg on him and get the pin? Brady has essentially been doing the football equivalent of this for his whole career. The losses? Even Hogan had to drop the title once in a while...

    Either that or he's just that good.😥

  6. Play to win every week. Elite teams don't tank. They work hard all the time, fight through the tough times, make good decisions in the draft (you don't have to pick in the top five to get a great player)and free agency.

    If you want your players to respect and fight for you, respect and fight for them by not wasting their time and short careers by losing on purpose.

    Play the games and be smart and patient enough to recognize opportunity when it arrives

    Desperate people make dumb decisions.

  7. How can Collinsworth spew out this garbage about Harrison spending so much to take care of himself. They should make Harrison pea in a cup every five hours this week.

    Brady vs Harrison in the HGH Bowl next week.

    Be curious to see what happens to this guy after football. Can't believe there won't be life-altering repercussions for whatever he's using. Father time always wins eventually..

  8. It's kinda like the old saying, don't go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

    The good teams in this league pick up a qb in the draft when they see one they like and draft him even though they have a starter. That way they aren't totally screwed when said starter goes down. They don't worry about damaging their Qb's fragile ego. If he's good enough he can deal with healthy competition. And if the kid they drafted is really good, but so is your starter, you can trade him to a desperate team for a king's ransom.

    I've always wondered with some of the horrible QB picks from the past if the team GM's knew these guys were crap but were forced to take a guy by meddling owners or team presidents who just wanted the " big name" player. Then when it blows up in their face who gets fired?


    Also, why do teams draft strictly by position of need even when the talent doesn't warrant it and a player like JJ Watt or Khalil Mack is staring you right in the face??? Who couldn't use guys like that??

    If you don't see a qb you like, don't draft one just because the Mel Kipers if the world say you have to. Best Player Available is always better than reaching. At least that way the QB you end up with will have more talent around them.

  9. These players need to take some ownership in their own development too. You can hire the best trainer in the world and if you don't put the effort in, the results won't be there. In the end, it's a marriage of talent and drive that makes the best qbs. The further down the list you go, one or the other is lacking..

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