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Everything posted by MAJBobby

  1. so in 2006 ok. McClain started NFL in 2007 so he knew. And the 10s of 1000s since then still know and take the risk
  2. OK Cool, point is the PLAYERs know and knew well earlier than 2007. And yet 1000's STILL make the choice to play and bank money. So knowing that WHY should I really feel sympathetic again?
  3. Now when did the NFL warn of this.... HMMMM 1997. So want to keep saying these players didnt know? More likely they DIDNT Care. March 1997 NEW RETURN-TO-PLAY GUIDELINES The guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology say that repetitive concussions can cause brain damage, and suggest that players be removed from the game if they lose consciousness or exhibit any concussion symptoms 15 minutes post-injury. “Repeated concussions can cause cumulative brain injury in an individual over months or years,” the report warns. They are, if they want to say thy didnt know and play for free thy are Idiots. Also in 2002 was when CTE was mentioned. McClain started playing in the NFL in 2007.
  4. Absolutely I do because they WERE NOT justly Compensated for their work and have ZERO benefit package for their work
  5. I care it is sad he struggles (there does that make them feel better) BUT it was his choice, no reason to cry for more. I care MORE about that HS player that has issues and GETS NADA I care MORE about that College player that ISN'T compensated and his body and head used up. This is about McClain and his 11M he made and all the nice benefits that he still makes.
  6. And for those that think the NFL is callous here may I ask Why? Here is their POST career Benefits? https://www.playsmartplaysafe.com/resource/nfl-benefits/ What are the Post Career Benefits for an NCAA player (and their Billions they make)? What about the Post Career Benefits of a HS Player?
  7. Yep, I do I move on to something else, why because life is too short.
  8. And a CHOICE that Compensated them at a Higher level than any other person could think about being compensated at. So yep DONT Care, they could have walked away like Luck, Willis, Sanders etc etc etc. Would I have booed them and hammered them.... NOPE. Why Because it was THEIR CHOICE. Just like it is their choice to KEEP playing
  9. No all these players OBVIOUSLY still being lied too, because why would they keep playing??? OOO YEAH they are MAKING MILLIONS
  10. Yeah alot more issues out there than worrying about a Millionaire now trying to get more money from a sport he made millions from
  11. Again HIS CHOICE, DId I force him to play football?
  12. Yep a guy that made 11M should not need more handouts
  13. June 2007 - The NFL holds a medical conference on concussions. August 14, 2007 - The NFL formalizes new concussion guidelines which include a telephone hotline to report when a player is being forced to play contrary to medical advice. Now tell me how McClain (started in the NFL in 2007) was deceived? Cool I got a head shot in Buffalo watching a game. Guess the NFL owes me as a Fan a settelment
  14. No According to Some The lawsuit for the players in the 60-70s Mean that these new players didnt know
  15. Y because I dont GIVE TWO ***** that these players are experiencing AGE. And Issues that ANY person with ANY Common Sense could see?
  16. Cool here is a RECENT one.. LET me HIGHLIGHT the KEY Study: Concussions Aren't the Link to CTE New research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) concludes that it's not concussions that cause the condition, but repeated traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)—the kind experienced by more people than just those involved in contact sports. Authors of the study also call for more clarity when it comes to concussion—which they describe as a syndrome—versus TBI, a tissue-damaging event that can happen with or without concussion.
  17. So I should SUE the US Government right? My Head hurts.... Who knew FIGHTING Wars and taking Head Shots would cause this. THEY HID IT FROM ME
  18. Keep trying. I Do NOT have ANY sympathy. And I wont. So Kelso just wore his helmet for a Fashion Statement?
  19. And you KNOW it has NOTHING to do with Concussions right? Yeah there was NEVER reports of Football players struggling with Health EVER until 7 years ago. Yeah Considering it is FOUND IN PEOPLE that have NEVER played a contact sport in their Life, should those people get a settlement?
  20. OK Cool. so Now tell m again how In 2007 McClain is SUCH an idiot that h didnt know there would be long term effects from shots to the head. So he never heard a punch drunk Boxer in his life?
  21. Just pointing it out there, ONE Voluntary Career vs ANOTHER. All these football players Saying I didnt know I was going to be in pain for life, I didnt know I would have long term effects from the sport are JUST as disingenuous as the Veterans that say I didn't Know I would have to fight a War Maybe until recently they should BLAME their Union?
  22. Sure so McClain that started playing NFL in 2007 didnt know that Headblows are not good for you? Really THAT is what you are going with
  23. Why? Veterans DONT have full lifetime Healthcare why should football players?
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