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Everything posted by MAJBobby

  1. After the fact no I really don't. He stopped playing 6 years ago after making Millions. Makes Money via a football camp. So then goes on Twitter to complain because he is a FB it is taking to long or that he has to fill out paperwork? Not to mention his Football Career allowed him to make companies. So what his solution is take to Twitter and go off on the same organization that will help him, but h has to follow procedures? Or the Same organization that Gave him 11M to play a sport? You right I dont give 2 craps about that, about a guy that made Millions playing a sport when.... 22 Veterans a day are killing themselves suffering from the same issues, and NEVER seen a 10th of what he was paid. Oooo the same people that could not have said No I am not going to fight this war without facing Prison.
  2. I know right. Maybe it was the Spice that put him in the place he is in now. https://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/ex-nfl-fb-le-ron-mcclain-arrested-alabama-drug-charge-article-1.2001113
  3. Ummmm no I really didnt. Either way I am done with this. Go get your 200K from the Settlement McClain and try not to "Force" your kids to play the same sport.
  4. Does a coal miner claim that they didnt know they would have long term effects on their body in that line of work? And if they did have to sign a waiver how many would sign it for that little paycheck they are getting and how many would move on. You can try all you want about trying to Compare the 1% to coal miners. Either way I am done with this. Go get your 200K from the Settlement McClain and try not to "Force" your kids to play the same sport.
  5. They can complain. However if they stay that’s their choice isn’t it.
  6. I would ABSOLUTELY LOVE the NFL to require players to sign a waiver that frees them from all medical liability after playing is complete. How many players Do NOT sign that waiver?
  7. Yeah it is a choice. And they will still still continue to make the choice to play. Just stop crying about your body hurting after the fact
  8. And if their Brain is Mush so be it. It is their Risk they accepted Actually nope. Paid the ultimate sacrifice to the public that is honorable
  9. No I am talking about all these players coming out for help. the 1B settlement almost spent. They can continue to accept the risks and play for their Money, but soon they wont be able to go back to the NFL and try and get more
  10. Yep Made his choice. Continued to make his choice to continue to play. Am I sad his head hurts, sure. Should the NFL play for his head hurting, NOPE
  11. Sure if he could have........ These players PLAY a SPORT and are very very over compensated for it. but soon it will end and wont have to hear about how all these players didnt know they could get hurt because the Money they are chasing is gone
  12. "Well, "force" isn't really the best term. How about "pushed by" and "strongly encouraged to"? He was born in Indiana, his dad died in a car accident when he was 6, and his mom moved him to Alabama, where he played at Tuscaloosa County HS. My point is that the pathways for these guys get set early, and if you're good, you're expected to stay on that track - and that goes double for kids from less fortunate backgrounds. It's one of the only ways out."
  13. No I am not, there are MANY MANY ways out of a certain Life, FOOTBALL isnt the ONLY one.
  14. For the people that think I am cold and have no empathy..... Do you guys get the "feels" when these former players go broke?
  15. So the ONLY thing these guys ever could do was play football? They couldnt um be a Fire Fighter? A Cop? A Soldier? A personal Trainer? A Coach? The ONLY could be a football player? So because of that they had NO OTHER CHOICE but playing football?
  16. OK Cool so he wanted it. Because no player will ever be good enough to get to the league is they do not want it. With the amount that goes into being the caliber to make it to the NFL you cannot get there if you personally are not choosing it.
  17. Name me ONE player that was EVER Forced to play football. Because I will tell you those players ARE NOT that good anyway to make it to the league
  18. No I am fine, I just think all this (we didn't know) stuff is ridiculous.
  19. Then again better hurry the Settlement is about out of Cash with 660M of the 1B obligated. So only 340M left in the money grab and then we can stop hearing about it. Then maybe these players should go back to their PARENTS to float their Bills on this topic
  20. Yep I played Big Time youth sports, and College Ball as well NOT once was I FORCED to play by my parents. It was ALWAYS my choice.
  21. Who FORCED them to play? Their parents? Yep the enhancement to the Return to play guidelines
  22. So the NFL should have to shoulder the brunt of 8 years? When he only played for them for 6?
  23. First Concussion Guidelines in 1997 (Essentially the First Gen Concussion Protocol) March 1997 NEW RETURN-TO-PLAY GUIDELINES The guidelines from the American Academy of Neurology say that repetitive concussions can cause brain damage, and suggest that players be removed from the game if they lose consciousness or exhibit any concussion symptoms 15 minutes post-injury. “Repeated concussions can cause cumulative brain injury in an individual over months or years,” the report warns.
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