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Everything posted by MAJBobby

  1. He had a 9M signing bonus. So yep it is accurate On a side note his accuser did pass a poly
  2. Ever notice in cases like this the more that the accused runs a PR campaign (attorneys releasing statements and Agents going on the Circuit) proclaiming innocence that there is something there. Always seems the ones that know there there isn’t anything there make one statement and then shut up. Threats of Counter suits and such are all plots from power players to shut up the accuser.
  3. Contain Barkley and win the game.
  4. Will say one thing Drew is really earning his money with Brown. My Prediction is that he goes on the Commish Exempt list.
  5. Isnt this Neck thing a reoccurring INJ for him. Maybe should hang them up. Aug 5, 2017 NFL Cervical Spine Disc Bulge Enunwa missed the 2017 season with a bulging disk in his neck. He had surgery in late August. Aug 19, 2016 NFL Head Cranial Concussion Grade 1 Enunwa left the 2nd preseason game with a concussion and sat out the final 2. He returned for the regular season. https://sportsinjurypredictor.com/player/quincy-enunwa/7030
  6. This is correct. I think the number is 20M, so if they pick up that 2nd year option it is 20M guaranteed for one year. So it is essentially his chance to make the 29M that he tossed from the Raiders back with NE. and NE covers themselves with not having the option so they could let him walk and put him into their Compensatory Pool. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/new-england-patriots/antonio-brown-6702/ https://overthecap.com/player/antonio-brown/1579/ This is why they will not release him, because it will be 5.5M dead cap this year and 4.5M dead cap next year. They will play him until he is either suspended or put on the Commish Exempt list. Either of those happen they will likely go back after the signing Bonus of 9M
  7. Starting to see more of it, specially with players that may have some off-field stuff. Have to remember players want security, so these type of deals might not get signed by players
  8. Yep. I would take Colvin cheap over Munnerlyn guess it depends on how bad Taron’s injury is.
  9. Someone going to get a good nickle CB cheap. Texans are a top talent team being wasted by their idiot HC/GM BB wannabe If I am the Jets after how bad their CBS are I would immediately be on the phone with Colvins Agent. Heck I would be on board with Bills calling him in light of Neal ISNT a NB and Taron’s Injury
  10. The club option let’s them walk away and be eligible for Compensatory Picks. See what they did for Revis. The Non guarantee 2nd year is a Contract and they would then have to Cut him (not eligible for Compensatory Picks)
  11. No. He will play all year. And they won’t pick up the option at the end of the year.
  12. So than Neither where INTs where they? i mean are we counting incomplete as INT now in the league? i mean let’s go around the league and add INTs to QBs that NEVER happened
  13. Not like the need him Sunday. After all they are playing the HS team that is the Mia Dolphins
  14. They got Road Ben who is also thinking retirement. Worse type of Ben Steelers can put on the field. Also Steelers are not that good this year either
  15. He does. She is the one that opened her mouth though. As he doesn’t tweet
  16. Did the TV replay the taunting penalty? You really think they are going to replay a NON call when they won’t even replay actual calls?
  17. Yeah she Blocked me too. When I said it is a chickenshit move when a 290 lb DE takes cheap shots then has his wife on Twitter defending him.
  18. Already have. But Nothing will happen. Watch. Big Market team in Hometown of the league Office vs Small Market team
  19. Yep and I am sure Housch $$ and Allen will pay the fine
  20. Yep Just NOT a chop Block, just Lee Smith Accidentally losing his balance and just happens to fall into the of Anderson's knee as he is trying to break his fall.
  21. Maybe next game Lee Smith will accidentally lose his balance and plant his shoulder into an engaged Henry Anderson's knee
  22. Dont need to have force. Have a 290 lb guy roll your legs without seeing it coming and watch what will happen a lot of the time to your knee or ankle Mess it a flop or was it another cheap shot by Anderson well after the Ball was released? Ooo let me take EVERYTHING back. His Wife came to his defense
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