Let’s see where does this game have me.
1st - Most important. Still excited for the rest of the season. This is a double digit win football team.
2nd - taking a step back from saying Josh is the future. He was Bad today and it wasn’t just a couple plays. But at the same time is one game in September. But this game will give all those Josh Haters from the draft the ammo they need.
3rd - this defense is elite. It is a playoff defense and arguably a championship defense. This defense I just Hope is not going to be wasted.
4th - time to find a new punter.
5th - time to move on from Zay Jones. Was hoping for the light to come on. Just doesn’t seem like it is going to. And over the 1st QTR of the season only bad things have happened when Zay is Targeted.
6th - NFL Officiating is just as inconsistent and disgusting as our Punter is.
on to Tenn and 5-1 before the bye.