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ann of beau fleuve

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  1. Yes I know I have been MIA-lots going on-but I still lurk I had to pass this on because it got to me. Got my Christmas card from the Bills and the gift (autographed copy of Marv's book). Dick signed his name and put "Go Bills" underneath it. There was something so genuine about that-like he is really one of us! Got me. I will always love this guy.
  2. hey cajun-I work for Shaw hq'd there in BR--no chance you do too?...heard we had some VP who actually was in a Bills Training camp in the 80s!
  3. thanks guys--he is travelling between Lake Charles and BR--will give him the BR suggestions--yes, I lived in Lafayette and BR--workedin LC--know the distances but thanks for the heads up!
  4. for me, hands down 32--you will see very little from row 5--BUT you will be close to the action on the sideline--to see the game--go with 32
  5. anyone out there in these areas that will be watching the game tomorrow that my friend might join?
  6. on Hurrican Relief--he is back and forth between Lake Charles and Baton Rouge--thought I would surprise him--he has been working his A@# off and needs some Bills fan comraderie--any one out there? Even if you just met him somewhere-it would be great.
  7. gone for a while much personal stuff now worked out--so I am back and happy to see all my 2BD friends--also very happy with t he Bills at 14-0 right now!
  8. not to a smart a*(K:" but Drew lives there.
  9. you know Johnny Ryan isn't the Irish guy who tends bar on Fridays. Your Jeans have frozen solid during skiing, sledding or toboganning. You know what toboganning is. You wore plastic bread wrappers over your socks before you put on your boots. You shined and sped up a playground slide by sliding on wax paper. You know a scarf is meant to be tied behind your head and over your nose and mouth in January and February. You can play a killer game of pinochle --single deck, auction with partners--none of this double deck crap. And you gamble on it. It's vodka tea--not an ice pick.
  10. using an old ninendo with my 31/2 year old nephew--just blow hard into the cartridges--across the slot--it took me a few blinking screens to remember this--but my 19 year old son clued me back in--then it works fine.
  11. you can also call your councilperson and complain--they will alert the cops and you are out of the loop--I have the same problem and saw one of thise ultrasonic devices in the SKYMALL--will be getting it soon--they had one that worked up to 100 feet.
  12. serve pasta and sauce--then call the sauce "gravy" because that is what they call spaghetti sauce in Philly.
  13. Wing restaurant to invite to this years festival--any ideas out there in our international sector???? Get me an email address and I will follow up with the restaurant--or they can email me at buffalowingann@aol.com Thanks! Ann Burke
  14. from suppliers, employees wives etc. to arrive--and finally today! Homemade biscotti and some kind of cookie made with ricotta cheese--unbelievably good! Don't worry, I will be bringing the butter bals (aka russian teacakes, mexican wedding cakes) next week. What do you look forward to--at work holiday treats?
  15. good luck to your sister---tell her to do some of her own research on line too-divorce source will give her some direction on what is and isn't possible and what to expect--it can save a lot of lawyer time and $ if you get informed before you go in.
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