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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. So, you really want to know what goes in the sausage?
  2. but at least we know what @Royale with Cheese has been up to. https://gizmodo.com/man-suffers-9-day-erection-after-bruising-taint-in-mope-1835153121
  3. Wrong again. Blue saying that he is always afraid indicates that he keeps going back to the place. Good pie does not need any "outer crust" which is why he keeps returning.
  4. The Eiians. They are an exiled people, set adrift in the word with no place to call home. Eiians traverse the inland waterways. They worship Cliff Claven, and because of this they always
  5. My feeling is that you need to take a step back, draw in a deep breath and relax a bit. After all, it is only June, and barely so.
  6. About 10,000 gugnies who do nothing all day except...
  7. That’s a really strange thing for a hooker to do. Are you sure you didn’t order incorrectly?
  8. I donated a kidney so that my grandfather might live.
  9. Those last two responses were so much better. I think we’ve nearly got this thread back on track. Let us keep going. So, a priest, a rabbi and a @Nervous Guy walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and said “...
  10. This thread is going swimmingly. So, @Augie was feeling frisky and the Mrs was out of town. So, Ol’ Aug jumped into his hatchback and headed for the seedier side of Hotlanta whereupon he encountered a hooker with a pink boa. Being in the mood, Augie stopped his car, rolled down his window and said “...
  11. My barbershop has mauve walls. I will check with @Ol Dirty B to see how much I should tip.
  12. The thing I like most about summer, you ask? It has to be Bobby Bonilla Day. July 1, that annual, much anticipated, day when Mets fans worldwide wail and gnash their teeth whilst (A&FM) crying into their Zimas.
  13. Petulance and pointlessness, as someone succinctly put it earlier, are the norm with this one. Add a dash of negativity and a dose of interwebs tough guy and there you have it.
  14. Why would we expect you to recognize petulance and pointless arguments?
  15. Here, fans overreact to nonsensical threads.
  16. I'm sorry, you neglected to post the pic, therefore I'm unable to respond to your pole.
  17. So, you're saying that Daboll isn't smart enough to realize that with a rookie QB, suspect (being kind) offensive line and few receiving options he needed to play a bit conservatively last season?
  18. Dusty up in here tonight.
  19. If that's the case then your higher education didn't serve you very well. You are debating because you are a troll and you crave the attention.
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