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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. It’s not as intimate that way silly. Why do you eat poo?
  2. Your personal behavior is not any business of mine, nor is my anatomy any business of yours.
  3. He prefers a more anonymous approach. A very humble professional.
  4. Oh, so you just simply enjoyed using the latrine with other men? Interesting in a non-judgmental way.
  5. It has been a while since Crustgate. You really should start one of your cleverly worded polls to get to the answer.
  6. Not to worry my friend. I purchased a special sumfin sumfin for you.
  7. Went to Marz brewery in Chicago last night. Very good beers, I didn’t get the same one twice.
  8. Then the thread title has nothing to do with their comparisons.
  9. You’re the one setting parameters, not me. How about comparing the other rookie QBs? See any value in that? What about first year starters? Any value there? And, while we’re at it WTF is wrong with comparing to the best that are out there? How else do you know how far you have to go? If you don’t think Allen studies other QBs then you’re sadly mistaken. i think there’s someone for you to chase off your lawn
  10. The same way it has always been done. As a piece of the puzzle. If if someone takes the time to figure out adjusted stats for one player then that is useless, unless there is something to compare it to.
  11. You can change it, but you’ll confuse people.
  12. Odd man? Eff man? Ill man? Utt man? Oh, I get it. You’re the assman!
  13. When you’re talking about an adjusted completion percent how do you know whether it’s good if you have nothing to relate it to?
  14. I love me some Hyde, but, is it saying much when someone states he’s the highest rated since 2017? So, he was the highest rated in 2018?
  15. Thank you for posting. If we get anything from him & McKittrick this could be a fun season.
  16. Seems, to me, that the entire idea was lifted. Is your last name Belichick?
  17. I’m glad that you enjoyed!
  18. So, you’re now directly stealing lines from @plenzmd1 ? Have you no shame man?
  19. Consider then that you’re giving more points (potentially) for wild card teams and penalizing those w byes. Maybe a sliding scale (5 points for wild card win, 10 for first round win etc.
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