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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Guys like @ShadyBillsFan, @Gugny, @BringBackFergy & @ExiledInIllinois like to think of this place as their own personal playground. For some reason @Chandler#81 lets them get away with anything.
  2. Where would you like it to be aimed?
  3. A reasonable man would do what you suggest.
  4. If it’s like mine it’s easy to change without realizing when you wipe it down when cleaning. I’ve done it but caught the change before getting to the disaster stage.
  5. He was just trying to squirrel away some energy for the winter.
  6. What's the process for the keeper on a PK? Is she making up her mind ahead of time on which way she'll go, or does she wait until she can "read" the kicker? Personally as I was watching I said to myself...go left. Good thing I wasn't out there.
  7. You need to bone up on your TSW history, bub. Maybe we need an entrance exam. (helpful posts like this make it all the more shocking that I have no friends)
  8. How many parents did you have? The standard number is 2 which is less than a few.
  9. Audra Bear, breatharian. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/breatharianism-audra-bear-no-food-162252661.html
  10. Buy a piece of the old field for your mancave: https://www.newyorkupstate.com/buffalo-bills/2019/06/new-era-field-turf-available-for-buffalo-bills-fans.html
  11. Don't tell Ferguson.
  12. If you believe this Wood was 250ish compared to 300. I suppose that because of height the loss could be similar for Gronkowski, but he sure looks lighter than 240ish which would be comparable. https://buffalonews.com/2018/06/04/slimmed-down-eric-wood-satisfied-with-terms-of-bills-exit/
  13. So, you're telling me that each resident of Ohio really needed 69 opoids? That's what was prescribed in one year. Your system, and your people are broken.
  14. What would you have realized at the end of that option year? What did Beane realize? Flutie was shot. Finished. Used up. A noodle. If you don't get that, you don't get football.
  15. Then motivation, Krueger's ace in the hole, isn't going to help him any. Maybe a lesser role, as you suggest will help. I'm tired of watching good players go elsewhere, but, I fear he is what we fear he is. If he's dealt I won't shed any tears.
  16. If he is one of the hardest working players in the entire NHL then wouldn't that other level be on display more often than not? You're statements don't seem to jive to me. Either he's under performed and needs a change of scenery or he's a really hard worker who is what you see he is.
  17. Lockmen do go through survival training. You never know when the weather can turn damp. Maybe that’s it?
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