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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. They HAD the top WR. They HAD the top RB in the game. They have a borderline HOF QB. Like the 90's Bills they have not been able to fully capitalize on that talent. I'm supposing that many Steelers fans think that consistently good isn't good enough when you take their talent into account. If he had the respect of the players, not just the two you mention, and he was a top 10 coach then he is under performing. Your standards aren't high enough. He's a rich man's Jeff Fisher.
  2. Her husband does work such odd hours. I don't blame her.
  3. Always scares me a bit too.
  4. What in tarnation are you talking about? @\GoBillsInDallas/
  5. You forgot @Joe in Winslow. He doesn't like to be forgotten.
  6. Pretty much, though they'll do everything possible to avoid a stoppage. That's the one thing that might possibly turn away some fans permanently.
  7. Let me see if I have this. @Gugny Is that how this works @mrags
  8. @JohnC all you need do is ask @plenzmd1 or @BringBackFergy. They will instruct you.
  9. Difficult for me to follow your reasoning, but he laid the groundwork that allowed all of that locker room stuff to happen. He does not, IMO, have the respect of his players so, they under-performed and imploded.
  10. Brilliant is what it is, and fun.
  11. Wow, this thread takes LAMP to a whole new level.
  12. This is the today I learned thread, not the today I have 10,000 questions, can you help me thread.
  13. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C2AVNC_enUS570US570&source=hp&ei=fBgqXaX3Eoy3tAa354jgCg&q=california+earthquakes&oq=calif&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0j0i131j0l7j0i131.999.3276..7693...1.0..0.86.460.6......0....1..gws-wiz.....0..0i10.gi_L3rD1IZ8
  14. A vast majority of the players "want to play" the game. But, just think of all the intrigue that this could bring into the league. Bellichick sits Brady for a game in OP. Can you imagine how that will be played up inside and outside of the locker room? My God, that would be so much fun. This place would go nuts. It would be a chess match for a coach to figure out who & when.
  15. When you want to build a WR first call @BringBackFergy and @mrags. They are the experts and you'll learn a lot from them.
  16. @BringBackFergy thoughts on this?
  17. Oh, it's on *****!
  18. So, because it's never been done it cannot be done? And, it wouldn't be FORCING. It would be a mutually agreed upon provision of the collectively bargained agreement. Have you ever heard the term any publicity is good publicity? While I won't go that far, as long as the NFL is grabbing viewers Roger will put up with talking head nonsense.
  19. I'll withhold my thoughts on the pick until I hear from my WR gurus @mrags, @BringBackFergy & @Gugny
  20. TMI, perhaps you should take this to PM?
  21. I'm willing to bet that they'll take you up on it. NFL revenue comes from TV.
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