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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. ***** you man! Josh Allen would never say something like that. Where do you come off pointing fingers at such a fine young man? You should be ashamed of yourself. ***** pathetic.
  2. Clickbait article and clickbait thread. Cousins said it would be refreshing to play without smoke and fire. He's saying he loves the game for the game. Give me a break with the hand wringing.
  3. This brings an interesting (to me) question to mind. In an instance like this where an agency represents two players is there anything to even 'suggestively' suggest that the agency not divulge the details of one negotiation to the agent working the other?
  4. Quest has set up a drive thru service for first responders/health care providers [edit: and "anyone exhibiting symptoms"]. One caveat is: https://www.wgrz.com/article/news/health/coronavirus/erie-county-appears-to-set-up-drive-thru-covid-19-testing-unit/71-b1e24774-cdcf-47cd-926a-b68dcceed811
  5. This is some interesting statisticing. https://www.newsweek.com/chile-counts-those-who-died-coronavirus-recovered-because-theyre-no-longer-contagious-health-1497775
  6. Loblaws, everything is free!!!!! https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-loblaws-mistakenly-left-open-on-easter-sunday-1.4895458 yeah, you forgot to lock the ***** door
  7. https://wcti12.com/news/local/k-9-nibbles-rescued-from-dog-fighting-completes-police-canine-school
  8. So, we're 3/5 of the way there?
  9. Taro Tsujimoto ( ツジモト タロウ )
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/science/if-you-think-you-had-coronavirus-a-new-study-might-give-you-your-answer Edit: Email address to participate (can not have had a positive covid-19 disease test): clinicalstudiesunit@nih.gov They will test "up to" 10,000 people (presumabily they have some additional criteria, age, sex, where you live)
  11. OK. I figgered it might have something to do with the city of Gary.
  12. Oh, sorry. My mind?
  13. Are you two still sleeping together?
  14. 59? Let me give you some advice, young man. Enjoy your birthday!
  15. How the hell do I know? You tell us, will they? OK, that settles it, you're a troll.
  16. It's not an incompetent team. It is an incompetent coach and GM who has led his talented team to under achieve. That you can't admit this and because you didn't understand the point of my post tells me all I need to know bout yerself. Good day.
  17. They were "supposed to." What's your point?
  18. Take a chance to enjoy the ride we're currently on FC. There's been too much incompetence over the years and we seemingly finally have it together. Meanwhile, Houston has consistently under performed when considering the talent on both sides of the ball. One team over achieves, the other under achieves. Where would you rather be? Common man, take a chance. Call BOB a moron, you'll feel better and you'll be correct. He's in way over his head.
  19. The 53 who have voted Milano need to be examined.
  20. Get over it Indigo. Were there some bad calls? Yes. Should the Bills still have won the game irregardless of the calls? Yes. The team and coaches spit the bit when the lights were the brightest. Hopefully it is something that they all learn from.
  21. Closer inspection is required. Raquel Welch says I got your scooter right here boys.
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