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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. He's twice mentioned seeing the game through the same set of eyes. First regarding the O line, then again when talking QBs, Dorsey and himself. Asked about Allen's improvement year one to two and he brought up Ray Ray as an example of a player who has made big improvements. Third time seeing it through the same set of eyes regarding Allen and Beasley.
  2. Defensive geniuses. This must have rested 100% of the players. /sarcasm
  3. Cancer sucks. Best wishes to each of you here who are battling and also Mrs. Peko. Kick cancer's ass.
  4. He had enough help to give him a leg up on the competition.
  5. I don't disagree with any of that. I'd say if you asked McDermott a similar question about Ford he would say much the same thing. It's what coaches do. The crux of my post was the big difference between what mainstream reported (McD's words) and what Dean reported (what he saw).
  6. DTV Now. I have had NFLN removed plus CBS/NBC are blocked due to a "dispute" between the networks and AT&T. I don't know what's next, but my time with DTV Now is coming to an end. Looking at Sling and Comcast Streaming.
  7. Still have the human trafficing gig for some extra spending money?
  8. I seriously hope that this is sarcasm, but one never knows. What I find interesting about Oliver's first day is the dichotomy between what was reported by the mainstream media compared by what a knowledgeable fan had to say. Those at the PC reported not much more than McDermott's comments about Oliver before practice. Then, you go read Dean's Rastro Notes and he absolutely raves about Oliver's day one performance. Since I feed off of positive energy I'll chalk this up to someone who really watched practice (Rastro) noting some extremely positive thoughts about Oliver vs mainstream media focusing on the coach's words and then watching and reporting on the flashier aspects of the practice. If the quote above isn't sarcasm you then toss in a bunch of fan angst and you have people wondering whether the FO is regretting a pick after only one practice based on a coach's response to a reporter's question.
  9. Eye don't know why you just can't throw me a bone once in a while.
  10. It's pretty obvious that I'm head and shoulders better than you.
  11. No, but I’d give an arm & a leg to find out.
  12. Sorry if already answered. Another tweeter several pages back (can't remember who) called it a forced ball.
  13. Made that just a bit more better goodly.
  14. As much as it pains me to say it because it highlights how low the bar has been, Jones has earned those first team reps. Foster will get plenty of opportunities, and I do think you're right as he responded so well after a big shock last season.
  15. You hate summer and training camp reports. Did your mother drop you on your head?
  16. Very good read, but I was nearly overcome by dust.
  17. If you are idiotic it is because you feel compelled to anonymously say what’s on your mind without regard towards anyone else. It is doubtful you would behave the same way in a group of strangers.
  18. No, they really are not. What is true is that the anonymity and impersonal nature of social media, message boards etc. has made it much more likely for someone to say something demeaning about another person "publicly" where before only their small circle would be privy to their idiocy.
  19. but, he would recognize sarcasm
  20. Wow, I guess I .look really stupid for my earlier post. My apologies. I know that I'm the smartest man in the room, but even I am proved wrong on rare occasions I'm big enough to admit it. If I were a small man I'd say something like "Doesn't that feel better?" as a way of deflecting from the fact that I said something really stupid up thread and then doubled down by challenging you to prove me wrong. I won't do that though. You were right and I was wrong.
  21. You=honest people=butthurt Really all we need to know Mr Joe Vegas.
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