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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Jealous much?
  2. Please stop trying. The message is beyond him.
  3. In six years she was 21.
  4. My god man, tell us something we don’t know.
  5. pic or it didn’t happen
  6. I’m sorry that you don’t understand. I’ll now take the advice of a wise moderator person who sagely said bless your little heart
  7. thank you?
  8. Is there a song that goes “I can rationalize anything that benefits me because I only care about me and the rest of you can go ***** yourselves” because that’s your theme song right there, Bubby.
  9. How long did it take you to come up with this gem? You do pronounce the sssss, you, because you aren’t a native speaker, don’t pause, but you do in fact say it.
  10. So, you say brusselssprouts but you don’t say Brussels sprouts? This sound different to your ear in what way?
  11. How do you say Brussels sprouts?
  12. Yes, your organ I zation moves product that lines the pockets of your billionaire cronies. Meanwhilst it turns rivers around, damns natural bodies of water, buries entire towns (some whilst still occupied) under hundreds of feet of water and invites invasive species to stay & make themselves at home. This whilst at the same time those same cronies are reinforcing our borders to keep human beings out of this great melting pot. Shame on you.
  13. Open floor plan is what everyone wants, and the view!
  14. Sure, problem solved. Thousands out of work whilst (AAFM) you continued to be paid for your non work. You and your ilk who care only about themselves need a wake up call.
  15. Did he always have some mighty fine wine?
  16. That crosses the line bucko.
  17. My wife stapled my balls to my thigh to stop them popping out of my bermudas.
  18. Oh, no. That will never fly at The Locks of @ExiledInIllinois. There is actually labor involved in scooping the carp into the boat and that's a deal breaker for his crew. On a related note, Mrs. @ExiledInIllinois has found a cattle prod helpful in getting his lazy ass off to work 1.5 day's/week.
  19. Based on the company you're keeping do you want to reconsider?
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