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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Healthy bodies at this point. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  2. Throughly enjoyed Wood’s perspective and his delivery was just fine.
  3. If it was before the safety skit how would people know how to use their seat belt?
  4. They’re pretty helpful when it comes to balance & I don’t want to weeble so it would take $250,000 which equates to one week’s pay On The Lock. @ExiledInIllinois @\GoBillsInDallas/
  5. Can I get from just above the boobies to just below the veejayjay human? Why does it have to be top half/bottom half? Those aren't opposable fins bub. Can't nuthin be picked up by them.
  6. So nice of you to drop by Gus. We so infrequently get any signs of class from our UK visitors.?
  7. et tu @Mike in Horseheads ?
  8. Isn’t the correct term whacked off job?
  9. That ain’t all you can’t wrap around.
  10. It is legal in Texas for the El Paso shooter to openly carry. What did that stop?
  11. So, you hate all women or just some of them?
  12. Yes, I do think that McKittrick could play LW. Want Me to loan him to you?
  13. I would be SHOCKED to see Morse dress.
  14. Well, not with what I said, but body language, absolutely.
  15. Conspiracy? Oh, my yes, it’s a conspiracy and it starts above the very topmost echelons of this ill disguised enterprise. The mods are the ground soldiers. Aim higher.
  16. This all seems very out of touch to me. Likening someone who with forethought arms himself with weapons that will cause the most carnage, dressing in “tactical gear” and driving (possibly while speeding or texting or both) to public places to slaughter people to people dying from texting is too much.
  17. Only if it is slanted in such a way that the author gets his intended result through not so clever wordsmithing overexagerations too narrow poll answers derisive phrases and such.
  18. You have faith Bull. He'll need help, lots of help.
  19. Estelle has been over there for quite some time.
  20. As I said, I believe it was a poor choice of words by the OP. I choose to look at the whole and decide. Of course I could be wrong, never know. No, we think, we interpret.
  21. I had to switch to my phone to hear the thing.
  22. & there you go again Have you gone back to reread the post that outrages you? Has your comprehension improved?
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