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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. This isn't an "answerable" question, but, why wasn't she asked about the "lifestyle" comments that Timmah put in his article? Doesn't it seem that would be the first thing you'd want her to comment on? Unless of course you don't want to give the family a chance to refute it. She didn't point any finger directly. Seems like a very general statement to me. How do you feel about anonymous sources on the other side? I'd much rather get someone's honest opinion, with their name attached.
  2. I've used one for probably 6-7 years now. Still sleeping great on it. Which leads me to a question...Does memory foam wear out?
  3. Don’t you worry, @BringBackFergyis getting his beauty rest right now (lord knows, he needs it). When he awakens he will post a recap of his mock and, if history is our guide, it will be almost spot on.
  4. It's a shame that the Pegula's are cutting corners so much. Beane must be embarrassed and disheartened.
  5. Worst pick CJ Spiller drafted to a team that had Marshawn Lynch and had huge holes on defense. Best pick I gotta go with Kyle Williams.
  6. This very fine site has his birthday listed as 04/23. So, either you or your boss are wrong. Irregardless, HFBD Ferguson. Dude was a gamer.
  7. One drop last season. Compare that to Knox and Sweeney. Definitely someone to look at.
  8. Why? Because HOA, that's why! https://www.foxnews.com/us/nj-homeowners-association-denies-request-to-allow-physicians-assistant-to-isolate-in-rv-near-family
  9. You really should take a break from the team, they've soured you so. It isn't worth it. So, we can think about being worried in 10 months?
  10. There's a "How self sufficient are you?" thread over in Gahenna. Is that what you were remembering?
  11. Tim is becoming more sullivanized every day. He's a crybaby hack.
  12. Hmmmm, expected to see hookers and blow. I don’t know if I like the new, responsible you.
  13. I always rely on the post draft mock put out by @BringBackFergy It is always spot on and slightly unusual
  14. I could "understand if it is tied to their downtown debt. Sabres, not so much.'
  15. Looking forward to your further analysis! Good input is always welcome.
  16. Do you know if that's Sabres, or if it includes Harbor Center etc.?
  17. That a'int nuthin.
  18. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8232533/Eerie-photos-pack-vultures-circling-New-York-City-amid-coronavirus-pandemic.html
  19. Maybe he should earn that second chance rather that deserve it?
  20. Biggest jumps I could find: Bears move from 28 (second round) to 3 for Butkis (bad on my part...this trade was made during the prior year so it doesn't count) Oilers move from 17 to 1 for Earl cowboys move from 14 to 2 for Dorsett Colts used next year's #1 to move up and take Jeff George. That turned into the #13 pick the following year.
  21. Too many of those were simply sloppy. Flat footed or too wide a stance or poor alignment. Much to clean up. Hope he gets it.
  22. You've seen the other similar stories, I assume? Or, are you one who overvalues his existence?
  23. Think we've made a lasting impression on our world? Think again. https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/coronavirus/crocodiles-take-over-oaxaca-beaches/
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