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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. I don't know if surprised is the right word. I do know that in a regular season game Jimmy G is out for at least a series.
  2. The more outlets it goes to the more diluted the product is for NBC, CBS, Fox; so, while new money may come in, can the same payment increases be expected from the networks?
  3. Did you notice how neither Buck nor Aikmen mentioned it? Kind of an awkward pause like "production told us not to mention concussion protocol."
  4. This might deserve its own thread, but, has the TV revenue bubble burst? How much higher can this number go? I know that football is king of the hill, but, the networks have got to have a come to Jesus moment, don't they? No way can the next NBA CBA be so lucrative, right? Can football be far behind?
  5. I'm thinking of abandoning the running game at a critical point in the game. You know, like when Romo says "Well, we know what's coming here" only to see SF pass the ball. Needed to pound the rock.
  6. I will admit to scouring the 49ers sideline looking for Daboll.
  7. 3 QBs, a cook and some guy in a white shirt holding a torch
  8. Yeah. The Fox shot of him on the ground after the hit "holding" his head told me all I needed to know about the league's concussion protocol. It ends when the most is on the line. If we saw it so did NYC. If NYC saw it they could have put him in the protocol.
  9. Like Seattle they have their young QB. Like Seattle they will ebb a bit, but, because of their young QB they'll always have a chance.
  10. Whatever you choose make sure it's good, cause, if this mouse shows up your ass is grass. https://videos.metro.co.uk/video/met/2020/01/31/3505218611716798056/960x540_MP4_3505218611716798056.mp4
  11. Whistle Pig
  12. Well, they obviously never practiced against a decently run screen.
  13. Then Jerrah and HJ Bob can STFU. Is that better? Someone as pedantic as yourself should understand shoot the messenger.
  14. You underestimate. This place was like the Wild West meets Stalin’s purge. Plenty of hatred on each side. The smarter folks were anti-Flutopians.
  15. bull#### If the study is done you leave it to the OWNERS to speak about it, the team owners. Roger is a Jamestown POS, zero class.
  16. And that is something that King Roger is not. He'$ $imply concerned about one thing. His comments were out of touch with reality and unfair to the team owners. All that asshat did was give Sullivan something else to gripe about.
  17. But, they are not, at all, team oriented.
  18. Reid aught to sit his ass. He won’t be the difference between a win and a loss. WTF talks like that at this time?
  19. But, not sharks. Interesting.
  20. So, it’s the look, not some rational basis in fact that scares you. I wonder if you’ve ever mistook an animal for a pit? That would be sad. What other animals and/or plants are you afraid of based on looks alone?
  21. What if the dog is 50% pit? What is your cutoff point?
  22. Does the color of the pitbull matter to you? Are you less afraid of brindle vs white vs black vs spotted?
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