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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Bullies always run from a direct challenge & Rex is a bully.
  2. Read defenses presnap, adjust the play based upon what they see, hit the right receiver at the right time.
  3. Money saved seems to be more important to him. If Taylor takes a pay cut he's ok with the losing. Me? Not so much.
  4. I dispute both of the bolded statements.
  5. Yes. No anticipation by Taylor and Goodwin was breaking free before he broke from the pocket. Can't read a defense, can't anticipate.
  6. Don't compliment him, he'll only come back and prove that his intellect is far superior to yours. You're not even worthy enough to respond in this thread & neither am I. I'm surprised that this dolt hasn't started his own super secret site that only allows people like him to become members.
  7. Very frustrating to see people assume that because someone is critical they are less a fan, less true. Every week I want this team to win, I badly want it. I see the warts, unfortunately there are many and they afflict every level of the organization. There's nothing wrong with pointing out those warts.
  8. I don't think I've ever seen a more misleading thread title. You love thinking that you're that guy. You hold yourself on par with NFL coaches, GMs and scouts. We should bow down to you and thank our lucky stars every !@#$ing day because you lower yourself to talk with us regular people. Dolt.
  9. We're setting people up. Next time a hard count is expected it'll be a soft count. Next time a run is expected he'll unleash a bomb. There's a plan here, you just have to stick with it.
  10. Anything but status quo for me. I could see an offseason where we either pick up Taylor's option or renegotiate it, resign Manuel to a backup contract and then there's Jones. That would be the worst of all possible options for me, but, I could see it happening. The time for standing pat with Taylor (or EJ) has come and gone. Cut the ties and move on.
  11. Can I get a hallelujah? It's a baby step, but your grim stoic exterior is beginning to show signs of stress. He doesn't need to be here. I would rather see a year of utter craptastic football than another season like this. Shitcan him. Can we start calling it a receiving corpse?
  12. True. To the OP's point I think that it comes down to desire (talent aside). How much do you care about the game and your teammates? The money is so much more than the past when players played in large measure because they loved the game. Now many are in it for the paycheck. In drafting I think that it is important to try to determine how much the game means to a player. How passionate is he? Everyone today can run faster and jump higher that yesterday's players, but, do they want it? Passionate player: Kyle Williams In it for the money:Marcel Dareus
  13. but but but but but but but but It's the shoot the messenger syndrome and it affects many, many people here.
  14. Some are still clinging to Taylor. Some are clamoring for Jones. Big whoop, our qb situation sucks. It has sucked. It does suck. It will continue to suck for the foreseeable future.
  15. yeah, we've got it so much !@#$ing better than they do. Pound your chest for a team with no QB and deride a team that's at least trying to do something about the position. YAY US!!!!!
  16. How'd that work?
  17. When you lost to that team you know it's bad. millennium
  18. Well, that certainly makes the mess we're in ok.
  19. Unconventional=not good at being an NFL QB.
  20. My goodness, you certainly hold yourself in high esteem. You get a cookie and a nice glass of milk.
  21. Well, when asked about the Bills and their foibles year after year the patron saint of the Cult of Tyrod, St John the Delusional, and his converts will respond with "but, but, but, he's the best qb on the roster (that's debatable, isn't it)." They totally ignore the fact that this team has done nothing but fail at the QB position for the past 20 years. Listing QBs we've taken and comparing them to QBs we've passed on is a sickening exercise. Blow it the !@#$ up now. COT patron saint StJtD Pope Rex Jim Jones Ryan
  22. StJtD has enough koolaid for everyone. There is more than enough suckage to go around.
  23. Should make him wear Bledsoe's shoes.
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