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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. This really helps a "team in transition" like the Bills.
  2. Well it didn't until you brought it up. Way to screw up the season before it even started you dipstick.
  3. I don't believe you. You'll need to convince me.
  4. We really needed an optimism thread. Good stuff OP.
  5. It's around here somewhere, but, worth seeing again!
  6. The definitive pre Madonna is definitely Cher, definitely and definitively.
  7. I think so. Add accountability into the mix as well.
  8. He signed a contract with the Air Force. A bit stronger than a letter of intent.
  9. Broke college student? Besides the fact that he can walk into any bank and leave with a boatload of cash his father pitched in the majors for a bunch of years. Hardly your average college student.
  10. For the life of me I don't know why, but I believe that they now have the HC/GM thing figured out. Can't wait to see this team grow.
  11. I'm extremely optimistic with the hires, but, I don't expect big things right away. Hope that makes sense.
  12. TP has been so persistent in mentioning the work ethic of Mc and Beane...there is definitely something there. Then there was the article about how Whaley stayed after the league meetings to spend time with family while other GMs were out at pro days/private workouts. I hate to begrudge a guy some time with his family, but, if you've got a job to do...
  13. Yeah. Still have to prove it, but...I like what I see and hear.
  14. The things we hear about all 3, HC, GM, AGM...tireless workers, attention to detail... Those are two things people have never said about Rex Ryan and Doug Whaley?
  15. You're thinking of Patrick Swayze. I'm not sure about Teefle either.
  16. To a limited degree, yes...but, I don't think that a team is under any obligation to let their folks walk.
  17. http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2017/05/12/Bear-locks-itself-in-Virginia-residents-car-honks-horn/2021494607277/
  18. You don't watch many press conferences from sports organizations, do you? Doh! Forgot your agenda. Please carry on with the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Continue on with your crusade.
  19. Of course he hasn't, but I know what you mean. He hasn't had turnover (or enough turnovers to us) from the most important position on the field.
  20. Cremation. Kids are scattered to the winds so no reason to get planted.
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