He's not stupid, is he? That's the most likely course, but then you have your QB on the cheap for 4-5 years. I don't get this cap nonsense. Seems like chicken little to me.
Neither is not picking up his option. No? Having control over a player is paramount and the Bills gave that control up. Yes, they can franchise him for a season, even two, but why not pick up that year 5 option?
Why just the theory that Herc ran with and you intimated.
From your first post:
I didn't read any surprise and I never considered "they" might be involved. The way I read it was a rookie felt that he had to be on the field, nothing more, nothing less.
I will have to disagree here. I don't believe that our current regime will look the other way if he has his little hissy fits on the field because Tyrod can't get him the ball. Maybe Sammy understands this and won't let his frustrations become visible, maybe not.
That is an odd statement.
If he stays healthy he will be back.
If he stays healthy and has a mediocre season he will be back.
If he stays healthy and is a disruptive influence on the team he will be back.
If he stays healthy and again berates "normal folk working their menial jobs" he will be back.
Seriously. How could someone call them-self a coach and in the same breath say that they dislike teaching? How do you coach? By teaching of course. Even if you use video to teach or are more hands on type you can't coach without teaching.