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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Colts and one of the phin games are the only wins left in the hopper.
  2. [This is an automatic response] This topic is already being discussed in...
  3. Disrespect? The only disrespect on display at Same Ol' Era was the performance of the home team. Stupid thread.
  4. Time to break out chicken little, eh?
  5. Stew Venison was a terrible hire.
  6. Colts and one of the phin games are the only wins left in the hopper.
  7. But for god's sake watch out for those roots. That tree felled a young buck once upon a time and he hasn't been the same since.
  8. Pic or it didn't happen.
  9. If she leaves it out overnight to cool it's public property according to a guy I know. He gets all kind of good stuff that way.
  10. Versa Note for me. Practical yet full of get up and go and surprisingly roomy.
  11. I'm a bit of a "germophobe" so no naked eating for me, but I don't besmirch those with more exotic tastes. cubes
  12. Tried this soup last night (version A) using Eckrich hot dogs. Wonderful on a brisk autumn eve. http://www.seriouseats.com/2016/01/potato-hot-dog-cabbage-kapusniak-tale-of-two-soups.html
  13. God bless you Glass. Really tough situation for him.
  14. Do try the pickle juice, but remember to double the cooking time.
  15. More like a steroid infused eunuch (but one with an incredible message of perseverance and indomitable spirit).
  16. I like to add a bit of pickle juice (about 1 cup). If you go this route skip the butter.
  17. Jealousy is the fear of comparison.
  18. 128 of your compatriots believe otherwise. Your voice should not and cannot be silenced. I understand you wanting to keep your profile low key, very humble of you, but, your voice needs to be heard for the greater good.
  19. I saw this early yesterday and ignored it as total bullschit. I guess I shouldn't be surprised someone thought it was thread worthy.
  20. It seems, to me, that someone with the overall influence of BBFergy should be given their own platform to espouse ideas and answer questions/give advice for a fee. A global moderator person such as yourself could make this happen. The Dalai Fergy cannot be silenced.
  21. This recipe has never failed me. http://hubpages.com/food/Recipe-Tasty-Crock-Pot-Cabbage-and-Hot-Dogs
  22. Self flagellation will improve your reputation if you post pics.
  23. http://sports.yahoo.com/bench-teaches-eichel-fundies-235511161.html
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