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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. ***** off
  2. Why not? Next year's first will be at the bottom of the round too, right?
  3. True. But...find one or two you like and search for their recipes. Everything is online now.
  4. That's a good read. Here's one McDermott quote: Maybin, Spiller, Dareus, EJ, Sammy 2009-2014. Gilmore is the only player to perform at first round level in that span of time. (Not saying this is what prior GMs did, simply pointing out how valuable McDermott feels first round picks are.)
  5. I am passionate about putting great food in front of those I care about. I can't woodwork. I can't rebuild an engine. I can't play guitar/drums/bass/bassoon. I can food.
  6. It is so much more than that. It's love. It's family. It's memories.
  7. Reminds you of me, maybe? If you haven't, PLEASE check out Chef's Table. The first episode will hook you in, unless you're a hack. So much passion.
  8. Because GMs always broadcast their intentions.
  9. Curious what you don't see in the BC kid that outs him in UDFA territory for you?
  10. Couple thoughts... On many of those runs the holes were there, but, he got there every time. For 247lbs he has the ability to "make himself small" when the holes are not so gaping or near the goal line. He has some Beast Mode in him. I'm all about girth.
  11. Is quoting yourself the same as speaking in the third person? Cripple Creek needs to know.
  12. That's some really great stuff right there. Would love to tuck this away and pull it out in 2-3 years.
  13. Thank you for your service. I'm sorry that you call Central California home. Great people, but, my goodness, not the best place to live (Lemoore here). What his coach said about him screams "Process!"
  14. Trading down in the first is much less likely to happen than a trade up. This team is "built" and needs to fit specific pieces in to finish it off. An extra 3rd or 5th round pick isn't what Beane is going to be looking for this time around, IMVHBOCO. If their guy is sitting there at 15-16-17 watch out. The only option for a trade down would be a small move if there are 2-3 guys they grade equally available and they move back 2-3 spots. He is off round 1 on my Big Board simply based on longevity concerns.
  15. That's why you don't draft average with a high pick. Those upper echelon guys that I have in my Tier One on my Big Board are not average WRs.
  16. Chef's Table is a must. If you haven't checked it out (Netflicks, I believe) please do.
  17. Doesn't the revenue have to come first? (Asking for a friend.)
  18. Is your Big Board named Ben? Cause Big Ben Board would be a cool name.
  19. How do you feel about stonewear?
  20. You cheated.
  21. Your Aunt Joan?
  22. Brushing off the cobwebs from digging in the basement. I haven't found the "Poyer signed" thread yet, but here's an idea of how he and Hyde were viewed before suiting up for the Bills.
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