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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. You haven't been paying attention, draft is only 8'.
  2. Wow, you're up early out in AZ. What time do you and Shirl begin your day? Cream of Wheat or grits?
  3. You could become a lock operator, no prior experience or skill needed.
  4. mead tailgate moderator
  5. Absolutely on Gronk. What was it, 8 catches, 150 yards and a win well in hand? I'd be pissed too.
  6. Hope we get to enjoy his play for another couple seasons, then put him immediately on the coaching staff (if he has any desire to coach).
  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/irregardless-real-word-regardless-kory-stamper-education-dictionary-mean-girls-lexicon-merriam-webster-2017-6
  8. Yup. Anyone feeling otherwise should read the SI piece. If they already have read the article and have any issue with that poor Jerry is going through it says much about that person.
  9. With the end of net neutrality can a ginormous fee be assessed to Don?
  10. Rocks the beanie pompom.
  11. Interesting, you admit to discrimination then hide behind rules and regulations. You've also managed to hijack another thread and turn it into a platform for your prejudicial nonsense.
  12. Bust is, to me, forever. He is a major disappointment right now.
  13. She did not lessen my enjoyment of the game one iota.
  14. That's very interesting, thanks. I am bothered about your portage statement in regards to innertubers though. You've previously expressed in very official language something about free navigation of inland waterways or some such thing. Why are they discriminated against?
  15. Does he call you Judas?
  16. ^^^^junkyard proprietor
  17. pre Kelly too.
  18. What about someone floating on an innertube? Please leave the racially insensitive jokes to the professionals. Wrong thread cap'n crunch.
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