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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. That's my issue too. Indisputable or incontrovertible don't mean "I think." Someone in NYC may think that Benjamin didn't possess the ball while dragging his left foot but even the CBS split screen wasn't indisputable (to me at least). The assumptions that had to be made on the fourth down reversal make me wonder about the legitimacy of the league.
  2. Perhaps. Do you want to see him under center as the Bills starter under any circumstances beyond this season? That is actually very well stated.
  3. I agree with this. Big game means more cameras. Yesterday's review was atrociously long. Put a time limit on the review. Mandate that all broadcasts must feature "X" number of cameras generally set up as "Y" (every broadcast must have a camera behind the bench that follows action up and down the field, every broadcast must have a camera looking down each goal line etc.) Only the mandated cameras are used for replay. Remind NYC the meaning of incontrovertible. Complete all reviews within 90 seconds and get on your way. Perfect? Nope. Better? Yes.
  4. Move 5000 tons, what do you get? Another troll post and deeper in muck St Peter don't you call me cause I can't go I owe my soul to the asian carp It's a massive troll job and on Christmas Eve no less. Some have no shame.
  5. Scuttlebutt is you've been arguing with yourself in this thread. Any truth to those rumors?
  6. You hate Santa Claus too don't you Grinchy McGrinch?
  7. I'm afraid that I don't understand this thread. Someone whose profession is moving water is coming here asking for advice on how to move water. You are either trolling for more carp with a baited hook or you, Cletus and the boys have really !@#$ed up the lock system in Illinois.
  8. I do not see him getting another NFL head coaching gig. Ownership would be insane to hire him.
  9. Personality disorder maybe. What was his deal after the bowl win? Players gave him the ceremonial shower and he turned around looking pissed and threw his headset. Seemed like a very strange reaction.
  10. Creates intricate and breathtaking dingleberry ornaments.
  11. but, aside from that...
  12. The correct term is unbelichickian. Would love to see the wheels fall off that wagon but it isn't something I'm holding my breath for.
  13. ^^^^^Enjoys walking around shirtless begging men to throw beads around his neck.
  14. Humorous young people. Tailgates are full of them. Meanwhile you go to tailgates by yourself...sad, so very sad.
  15. That would go against Washington's cap (wouldn't it?). Why would they do that?
  16. How does signing bonus work? He doesn't belong to Washington so they have to sign him...how does a signing bonus work with the cap? Do they with Buffalo's approval sign him to a contract that lays out a bonus for after he is traded?
  17. When would the trade officially take place?
  18. https://www.denverpost.com/2017/12/18/micheline-dumont-ugeux-resistance-fighter-in-wwii-obituary/
  19. Today I learned that people aren't always what they seem.
  20. Zero out there on Anderson that I could find. Try reaching out to this guy, if anyone can help you it's him. Here's a bit on Shaw: http://aztecmesa.proboards.com/thread/4144/dennis-shaw-where http://articles.latimes.com/1988-06-21/sports/sp-4590_1_dennis-shaw
  21. ^^^^^Able to fraudulently impersonate fictional characters and dash the hopes of millions.
  22. You're willing to give him a cut of your action?
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