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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Favourite? Are you a presumptions pompous petulant pestilent purulent puny pissant?
  2. Would you be more serious and less LOL if it was a shrubbery instead?
  3. I don't likely have the lifespan for it.
  4. So what you’re saying is that you should only interview minority candidates when mandated by the league?
  5. How do you feel about this?
  6. Q: What has gugny never heard from a woman or said to a man?
  7. Good call, it is proven for all time.
  8. Staff here is no help. I edited the title for the numbnuts around here.
  9. Your shortcomings are understood and not appreciated.
  10. Thank you, I'm sure that will do the trick.
  11. Cool kid, scary pasty white legs!
  12. Wife and daughter put out a feeder yesterday. Can't wait until my yard is full of weeds this summer.
  13. So, I take it that my request for you to sternly warn everyone who ran this thread off the rails has been declined?
  14. God Bless Augie and family, thoughts and prayers are with you.
  15. Can you please warn everyone who has strayed off topic? ( please and thank you)
  16. Wow, blank for me too! Anyway, thank you, I think.
  17. I too sent an email, but I'm too embarrassed to post it next to your Pulitizer worthy letter. Well done.
  18. Where in the world is Dunkirk Don? Asstabula Andy?
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