So, in your opinion they're damned if they do, damned if they don't? That makes it easy for you to B word whenever you see something you don't approve of.
Sit tight? Screwed.
Move up? Screwed.
Yeah, stupid article for this reason. Brooks understands why QBs are "over drafted," yet he has to prove to us that he knows better. If he were ever lucky enough to be a GM with a top pick and no QB in a similar draft to this (in terms of talent) we all know what he'd do.
It can't help but define him to the public. Every time he has a drop he'll be reminded by fans. Every TD he'll be reminded by opposing fans. Every national article (if there ever is one about his on field exploits) will bring it up. Even the local media will be sure to bring it up every time he has a bad game (assuming he continues on the team). He is defined. He is not however limited and can expand the definition.
What a player does in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ should not turn you against him.
Common, you never danced nekked on a balcony with your brother?