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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. How very hockey. They didn't suspend the season indefinitely, they paused it.
  2. Should we relax the drunk driving laws?
  3. So, not related to this current topic?
  4. Don't be hysterical, the common cold. Read that right here.
  5. I'd guess ignorance. I'm curious as to what point you are trying to make?
  6. Mustard does not belong on a burger you heathen.
  7. This isn't the place for it, but, what you say is 100% spot on. Liken it to a huge sporting event. If you have immune system issues (I do) and are of a certain age (I am at least on the border) you are sitting courtside and you can literally feel the intensity of the game. If you are relatively healthy you're sitting in the cheap seats and you can barely see what's happening in the game. (think of the orange Aud seats) I share my CVID and CLL diagnoses not because I'm exceedingly worried (IMO). I continue to work every day, but, I must admit that my concern level has risen exponentially over the past 5-6 days. I'm no longer sure my wife should jump on a plane in a couple weeks to visit our grandson. I'm worried about her, but, selfishly I'm worried about what she might bring home, to me. More of my free time is spent wondering what I should be doing to better prepare myself. I don't like feeling like that. While @Mark Vader and countless others mean nothing personal when they opine about how overblown this is, it's important to know that it is becoming all consuming to others. While @mead107 and his surgical mask was cute for a day or so, it's worn out it's welcome with me. This isn't meant as a personal slam at either MV or m107. What they're doing isn't wrong, but, marginalizes what I'm trying very hard to deal with in an adult way. OK, back to draft talk!!! Go Bills!!! Top CB in Round 1!!!
  8. Congrats to your SIL. Pic request if she's hot.
  9. Please, enuf. Get a room ferchrissakes. Sonic has a great shakes menu.
  10. I'm the guy in jeans. Those short shorts couldn't contain me.
  11. You could have garbled the sequence and titled this thread "Bills re-sign Long Levi Foster"
  12. Here she is. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/ZH1T/otezla-little-things-pool-and-boat
  13. Can’t we just let this topic be? Just let it be.
  14. I love a guy who is willing to go out on a ledge and make a definitive statement about someone the Bills WILL draft. If this comes to pass I’ll buy you a beer.
  15. Try telling that to your friend from Q-bury.
  16. Paul is dead. John is still singing them.
  17. If he's best suited you sure do. Anything else is wasted picks that could have addressed the issue. I'll trust the brains to do it right & have the vision to construct a complete team. I hope that nobody in the room feels like you do.
  18. Thanks for clearing this up for us. There had been much concern.
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