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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. I think I’ll go about my bidness and let Mrags do with @gugny as he will.
  2. What would he then do to me (either literally or euphemistically)?
  3. Sorry, I call BS. No way what he said was that succinct.
  4. My questions were well intentioned and harmless.
  5. So, what does Jennings do? On the surface it seems to me that BLESTO scout is to scouting as training wheels are to road racing.
  6. Thank you for handling this in such a professional and private manner. It it will be so nice not having that lug around for a while.
  7. This post has been reported for not abiding by the TOS.
  8. I believe that the question was pretty clear. What does the phrase mean to you means what does the !@#$ing phrase mean to YOU. How can you interpret it any other way? Anyway, sorry for the digression. For me “the good old days” harkens back to a time where people actually understood the meaning of a simple sentence.
  9. Today I learned that my breasts are not worth anywhere close to $500,000.
  10. Why is a football topic on OTW? oh, Gugny, I get it now
  11. Bunch of old farts around here. Maybe we can request a special forum for you codgers. We’ll call it “Get off my lawn!” All y’all can hang out there talking about the good old days and how much harder you had it growing up.
  12. Always enjoyed listening/watching him. RIP https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/06/08/us/anthony-bourdain-obit/index.html
  13. NASCAR is ruled by sponsors. Sponsors are by definition heartless. You are heartless.
  14. I laughed my ass off. Possibly the best trailer I have ever seen.
  15. Hope he gets/keeps his **** together.
  16. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated.
  17. Euphemism?
  18. Mmmmmmme too.
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