FYI, what I stated is rare and far from the norm. With Graham I did ignore the twit stuff because I enjoyed his features. He’s an ass but nowhere near as colossal an ass as to ignore the good stuff.
i do draw the line at cults.
You know, when I was on the football side of the board and glanced at OTW and saw your avatar as the last post I knew it had to be in this thread. You are a part of this conspiracy. Tell us please, how high does it go?
Disagree. I will avoid the actor, chef etc. if their actions warrant it(to me). I won’t go to a Tom Cruise movie because I don’t approve of his choices.
Can this be to my own personal detriment? Absolutely, but, I’m ok with that.
I was seriously worried that you were going cyborg on us by turning yourself into a server. We already have Tom, don’t need another.
”Advice on being a server”
When I say anything, obviously I don’t mean literally anything. There are things she should and will walk away from immediately.
Try diplomacy and if it doesn’t work and it’s that bad turn in notice and move on.
One other thought, especially if it’s her first job. Remind her that it’s temporary and she can put up with anything. She may find that a manager is absolute crap. If she’s like my daughter she won’t be afraid to let her/him know about it. A little diplomacy goes a long way.
Just remind her that not all people are asses even though there will be nights when it seams that way.
ps—I thought that this was an IT thread so I wasn’t going to open it. You might try a more descriptive title next time in order to avoid confusion.?