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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. That was a biggie, then Ronnie Harmon a decade later. They hurt so bad because it was (is?) such a rarity to make the playoffs. Both games were right there. still wonder if Harmon was on the take. (BTW—you’re old!)
  2. I used that attachment once. Second time I got fed up and went to a nearby Field & Stream and bought one. Best money I’ve spent in a while. The grinder attachment works great, for me, the stuffer not so much. if you do stick with the KA attachment add more water to your mix. It won’t hurt the flavor (will cook off or evaporate during smoking) and the stuffing should go much easier. https://www.lemproducts.com/category/sausage-stuffers F&S met the lowest online price too.
  3. You soaked and rinsed the casings well? Left them in the water until you put them on the spout? Coated the spout with Crisco? That’s all I got. My biggest problem is finding the opening. Damn old eyes. Typically if they burst you’re trying to fill to much or too quickly. Maybe common sense but throwing it out there. It is a two person job (for me at least). Someone turns the crank in a steady motion, I handle the casings.
  4. I smoked some polish sausage I made a couple months back. Came out fantastic and didn’t take all day. Next time have the wife help with the casings.?
  5. Linda Cohn has always put the lead in my pencil.
  6. Turn any grill into a smoker. Set up for indirect grilling, add wood chips/chunks, control temp.
  7. OK, so I have a thing for newswomen. Katie Couric Carol Costello
  8. I guarantee you, poll 50 men. You’ll find more than one who says she is fugly. Very Sally Fieldsish.
  9. I really slobber over the other milf in Modern Family.
  10. This isn’t adding anything positive to the conversation.
  11. So the wimmin you consider average are above average to someone like me? Okay, I get that.
  12. Some of you have an overinflated view of average. Probably the same folks who think their 2 inch peckers are 6. For me a young Meryl Streep.
  13. You’re thinking of Solly Wilcotts I think.
  14. Change horses to bison and you have a deal.
  15. https://www.menshealth.com/trending-news/a21945199/police-dog-performing-cpr/
  16. Im with you on all counts, especially the hope that they did finally get it right. There is no way ROR could remain on this team after his, what turn out to be parting comments. That the Sabres were able to get as much value out of the trade, when everyone knew he had to be traded, is more than I expected.
  17. I have a similar sad tale. Sophomore year, first game, first play I’m in for I sack the QB. Second play one of the fat kids up front, teammate is pushed over into the side of my right knee. I limp off after the doc wiggles my knee back and forth. It looked bad from my angle. Spent the rest of the night on the bench. Game over & I look around. No coaches, just a couple friends from the team so I hobble the 1/2 mile back to the school. Monday we’re back in the same docs office. He again wiggles my knee. Tells me and mom that I’m good to go on Friday and sends us on our way. Once outside I told my mother that there was no way I could play, I knew my knee was messed up. She calls her cousin who is married to a doctor with privileges at Mercy. He calls an orthopod there and I have an appointment on Wednesday. On Thursday I underwent a 5 hour reconstruction.
  18. I’m back there later this week for a day, not a pleasure trip. Hope to make a game in the fall.
  19. Well, look who the cat dragged in. How ya been?
  20. Maybe they’ll replace the train whistle with the sound of a beating heart.
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