was this past weekend. Her mother, my DiL, decides to take her and some friends to Chick fil’ A to celebrate.
Anyhoo, they’re having a fun time, eating, singing, playing on the modular plaything apparatus when all of the sudden the **** hit the fan quite literally.
My granddaughter went down the slide after some white trash kid and, if you can believe it, she ended up covered in crap. Not stuff mind you, actual ?, without the smiley face.
My DiL was, understandably, livid. Apparently the **** kid’s parents were laughing about this while she, My DiL, was cursing up a storm. The guy had the gall to tell her that there wasn’t a sign prohibiting **** sliding.
So, who does she sue? CfA, obviously for improper hygiene, supervision, pain and suffering, mental anguish etc. But what about the parents? Does anyone have any idea how to find them? I really feel that they should be held responsible.
Thanks for any constructive advice you have to offer.