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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. You are not smart enoug to understand the Ryan genius, same thing goes for players.
  2. Kim is hot. Kim appears smarter than Terry. Terry is socially awkward. Kim is adept in social situations. Kim looks better in a LBD than Terry.
  3. I ASSumed Watkins, prayed for Mack, but assumed the worst.
  4. Is this a serious question? Have you looked at the woman?
  5. Well, sumfin happened on the right side to cause that gash (not the FB).
  6. I’d toss in OG as well, but QB is the correct answer.
  7. Stranger things (though none come to mind)... https://www.google.com/amp/s/raiderswire.usatoday.com/2018/08/07/espn-raiders-de-khalil-mack-could-be-a-trade-candidate/amp/
  8. Speaking of...did you see this (also Florida)? https://www.wftv.com/news/local/holy-cow-car-thief-corralled-by-cows-while-running-from-sanford-officers-police-say/808201115
  9. KOD from Rob Clown Ryan. https://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/barry-jackson/article215847045.html
  10. Apparently the music for the positional drills was chosen by McCoy today.
  11. Don’t worry about Amal, I have everything under control.
  12. http://amp.abcactionnews.com/2664006749/pd-florida-woman-high-on-meth-ran-around-naked-in-park-because-she-believed-giant-spider-was-on-her.html
  13. He is playing for something much more important than his rookie deal.
  14. Why are you embarrassed? Do the abnormal (to you) every day actions of strangers embarrass you? You carry the burden of mankind on your shoulders, don’t you?
  15. Julio https://www.forbes.com/companies/creative-artists-agency/
  16. They better ease him in with Allen. Don’t want the fire baller breaking that hand.
  17. Live right now on the Bills app...not sure for how long.
  18. There are kids who haven’t reached HS who are “offered scholarships.” We put a tremendous amount of pressure on kids at a very young age & the feting begins as soon as son or daughter make an elite squad.
  19. Just keep tempting the fates why don’t you?
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