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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Urban dickionary tells me that this isn't a good idea?
  2. How did you beat it off?
  3. Why would one want to?
  4. Of course he should never have done it in the first place. I didn't realize that needed to be said. He may have initiated the situation but he did not initiate that encounter, Newton did. If you think his intentions were pure then there's not much to discus here. Benjamin removing himself was the right thing to do. If you feel that makes him look like a kitty then we'll just have to leave it at that.
  5. Not out there & Newton didn't come sauntering over for a friendly chat. He was, in my opinion, antagonizing. Benjamin didn't let that happen.
  6. Hyperbolize much? One of the bigger problems in the world today is people being afraid to walk away rather than escalate a situation. A person calling a guy who could most likely trounce his ass a B word is worth a laugh though.
  7. I’m not on a soapbox, but you appear to be. Kid did the right thing & you’re throwing around words that you’re afraid to spell out.
  8. I disagree with your characterization, but, you would prefer what? I'm certain that he reacted just as McCoach expected him to. If that's b'd out in your world then I'm very happy that I'm not in it. I'm a firm believer that it takes more balls to deescalate a situation than to escalate it. Oh, but he was disrespected!!! Oh, Cam made him look like a B word!!! You can keep that ****. & to you that's "pussying" out. A person said some words and he isn't interested in fake apologizing for them and you're going to say he "pussied" out? Vs. what in full view of how many people and cameras? You same folks would be first in line to criticize if a confrontation had ensued.
  9. Benjamin was wrong, IMO, to mention anything about Carolina, but, no doubt Newton was baiting him there hoping for a physical reaction. I'm hoping that he broke that NFL pregame rule so he at least gets punched in the wallet. The close proximity was too close for normal conversation because Newton kept chesting himself closer to KB. If he didn't give him a bump early in the conversation it's only because Benjamin was quicker in backing up.
  10. Wow, loaded with hot takes. I'll assume it was past your bedtime. I saw enough to know that while he is an inexperienced rookie Allen wasn't rattled. I saw that his arm is as advertised. I saw that as an inexperienced rookie QB he'll sometimes make head scratching decisions. If you want to blame someone for the 3rd stringers then I suppose you can choose Beane. You would prefer Peterman play behind that line? Why? You would prefer McCaron play behind that line? Why? You don't see any reason to go for it on 4th down? Your final sentence is worthy of only one response .
  11. If you could, please provide me with some rep points. My website dues are nearly late and I’m a bit short this month. Thank you.
  12. You have been drinking, correct?
  13. Not an unrealistic number. If the bounces go our way like they did last season I could see 9 wins. If those bounces even out I could see 6-7 wins. If the bounces go against us 5 wins isn’t out of the question.
  14. https://medium.com/@katekaye/the-tall-one-5b532d52bf0b
  15. No, before that moniker came into being too.
  16. Just vague recollections. I think it turned out to be fake news before fake news was a thing.
  17. I think you have the wrong thread. Try Royale’s.
  18. I know a guy who worked as a soda jerk during his college days. To this day he still harbors resentment towards a woman who was trying to help him improve his lot in life. I prefer a gold lining, slivers are quite painful.
  19. How does your significant other feel about that?
  20. Without a pic this is useless information.
  21. It would have been better if the ninja thingies went from small to large. He totally screwed up the hung sway.
  22. you sound like a bully, you & Richie; birds of a feather.
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