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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Does he have 4.39 speed?
  2. Once pandora's box was opened there was no turning back.
  3. I told you not to try that move at your age. Shoulda been through it in '74. Hip to toe cast for, I believe 12 weeks.
  4. That was for you bucko. An extra $40 it is.
  5. John McKay himself would agree that it is truly offensive. This should be what everyone is talking about today, not QBs, not LBs, not WRs. Focus on the trenches people.
  6. Three Our Fathers, three Hail Marys and and extra $20 in the basket on Sunday.
  7. Yeah, Bell gains all those yards on his own. /thread
  8. Is there any way for you to flag your pronouncements so I don't have to search them out? Pearls of wisdom, that's what they are.
  9. Oh my, that out he threw last night. I still shiver thinking about it.
  10. Allen. I know that there will be bumps in the road etc. etc. etc. but, he was, to me, clearly the best QB on the field last night for the Bills. He needs to take some pace of the ball on shorter throws & he needs to get the team out of the huddle more quickly.
  11. I know, you told me that yesterday. Matter of fact you told many people that yesterday.
  12. You know what they say, the sincerest form of flattery...
  13. I think the guy who started it got put on suspension. I quit now. Sorry boss.
  14. Shirley it is against the TOS to defraud members by starting a thread on one topic and then changing it, and your original post to something totally different 4 pages in.
  15. I root for ‘em all John, but what I really want to see is Robert Foster have an outstanding game. Something like 9 catches for a buckforty. Can you imagine the response on this board?
  16. But, the subtleties should be considered.
  17. I don’t think I was. It was a takeoff from the Wizard of Oz. But, if klos mosunderstood then he has my full apology. Still, you must admit, he was rather dismissive and overly definitive in his statement.
  18. Well, that’s it then. The Great and Mighty Klos has spoken.
  19. I prefer to call it having high standards.
  20. I think that there is universal agreement on this topic. The Bills were pulled into the playoffs by Cincy. When have you ever seen such an outpouring of $$$ from one fan base to a player on an opposing team. That was our way of saying “thank you” to Cincy for getting us in the playoffs. I’m extremely happy with the progress that the team made last season, please don’t misread me, but, we needed more than a little help to get to that playoff game. The drought will officially be over when the Bills warm their way into the playoffs.
  21. Thank you for overseeing this thread. It drives me nuts when topics are taken off the rails.
  22. Nope. Dabol is creative enough to utilize our TEs. I was answering why, IMO, we don’t need a FB.
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