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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. One Chicago doc's opinion. Set this aside, when hopefully, in a month people say this was all for nothing. https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-doctors-blunt-speech-about-covid-19-hit-home-across-the-country-read-her-full-speech/2241815/
  2. Ohio Pharmacy board restricts restricts prescriptions due to run on chloroquine & hydroxychloroquine. https://www.dispatch.com/news/20200321/ohio-pharmacy-board-restricts-prescriptions-for-experimental-coronavirus-treatment-drugs
  3. You missed the best part. The state said his re-test was positive. Wife says he was never re-tested. (unless I misread)
  4. You're the first in this thread.
  5. [Hap sez: I knew her in grad school. Very ambitious person but knows her *****. Her information is good, and so is her presentation] Edit: OK, I have a bit of a quibble with her enthusiasm over approval of the FDA approval of the Cepheid covid-19 test today, calling it a "point of care" test. It requires Cepheid's specialized machine of which there are 5,000 in the US at present, per Cepheid's website.
  6. (feel free to move if inappropriate here) Are we listening? Gallup Poll: https://news.gallup.com/poll/297035/americans-rapidly-answering-call-isolate-prepare.aspx [Edit: interesting, but this is a situation where a "majority" will not suffice. But it helps us figure out where we are in the "reduction of social interactions" epidemic impact curves]
  7. No wonder WV didn't have a reported case for so long. https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/21/us/west-virginia-coronavirus-patient-one-test/index.html
  8. Why did you PM me advice to go for a walk at the mall and eat at the food court?
  9. Yup. 100,000 ICU beds here in the states & somewhere around 200,000 ventilators (according to these guys https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20200318/us-may-not-have-enough-ventilators-for-covid19 ). Of course, then those most likely to survive. I better stay home, I'm screwed on all fronts.
  10. Who gets treatment if needs outweigh supply? https://qz.com/1821843/ethicists-agree-on-who-should-get-treated-first-for-coronavirus
  11. How much do I have to tip them if I want them to join me?
  12. We could not, obviously, institute the policies that China did, but waiting is not good. https://www.southampton.ac.uk/news/2020/03/covid-19-china.page https://news.avclub.com/ruthless-school-choir-stages-direct-assault-on-human-he-1842401804
  13. A wee bit too much caffeine today?
  14. @Hapless Bills Fan unsure about what should go where so putting this here. Seems to be mostly rehash. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/03/19/coronavirus-projections-us WAPO drops paywall for COVID-19 information: The Washington Post is providing this story for free so that all readers have access to this important information about the coronavirus. For more free stories, sign up for our daily Coronavirus Updates newsletter.
  15. https://sports.yahoo.com/kabeer-gbaja-biamila-arrested-tasered-095748077.html
  16. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/488302-florida-governor-refuses-to-close-beaches-amid-covid-19-outbreak I'm sure that this will change, but way too late. Stupid. Tuesday:
  17. You're confused again, chief. I don't have any desire for an offensive lineman. It would surprise me if they took one in the second. What I do know with 100% certainty is no WR. And, that's my last comment on this subject. I'd be breaking my rule if I replied to you again on in this topic.
  18. Or a WR, chief. To make you feel better I'll toss in TE and FB too. How's that, chief? It simply will not happen. There are 5 o linemen on the field at one time. Sometimes six or even 7. If you think that they fully addressed the o line in FA last off season then you are no chief.
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