I can be upset with the lack of talent along the o-line. Like you, I cannot accept someone with talent dogging it. He needs to be made inactive if this crap continues.
sorry, i hate the way B word looks once it gets rehashed by the naughty word filter.
I'm interested in finding something in whatever form that focuses on the play of Benjamin. That isn't a question or even multiple questions. Is there anything out there that is focusing on Benjamin's play on Sunday? I'm sorry that my OP wasn't up to your standards. I'll try harder. Keep focusing on the messenger, not the message.
Show me one article focusing on his play, calling him out in the headline. I hope that there is one, but I searched and couldn't find it.
Conspiracy thread? Tell me how you feel he play coach.
Benjamin played like a kitty on Sunday and anyone watching the game saw it. I understand that there was a ton to focus on; the o-line, P-man, the defense, but what about the totally soft game played by Benjamin?