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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. An upgrade in offensive talent is definitely needed, but don’t blind yourself of the notion that Allen needs to improve his touch and accuracy.
  2. I call shenanigans. Only an idiot would wager $5000 that he cannot afford on a football game without telling his wife.
  3. ‘Tis true. 3 games in and two of the opponents had upcoming Thursday night games. Baltimore rested players the second half, we’ll see what Minny does.
  4. I’m waiting for the day when we can talk about the accuracy and touch that Allen displays. I don’t know if those are things he’s capable of, but for our benefit I sure hope he is. There are times when velocity matters, but I’d say that there or more frequent times when touch and accuracy outweigh it. When he slings it the pass needs to be right on the money because the receiver doesn’t have time to adjust. If he can learn touch and display the ability to throw receivers open (he dies some of this with his back shoulder throws) & hit them in stride then watch out.
  5. OK, back to your original question then...the definitive answer is just so long that your wife doesn’t take offense. For those times that she is not with you...right now you have 7.5 seconds which can feel like an eternity when you’re gazing at a beautiful female form. Once you hit 40 those numbers begin to gradually slide. By the time you reach my age you’ll have 0.6 seconds or else you’ll be labeled a dirty old man. Trust me when I tell you that once you are labeled as such there is no going back.
  6. I'm guessing you're pushing 40.
  7. Is this him?
  8. The person you quoted correctly stated that there is no requirement between the players and the owners on "proper" player behavior during the anthem. Your response had nothing to do with his statement.
  9. You sound like a meanie.
  10. Charlie Waters and Herb Adderly were busy?
  11. An arm tackle because he over ran the play isn’t the kind of impactful hit I’m talking about. Edit...I’m probably being a bit harsh. He did contain the RB and forced him back inside. My point is still the same though. I want to see him head up on a RB, QB, TE, whoever and make a solid tackle.
  12. Two games in and I'm still waiting for his first solid tackle.
  13. He didn’t say that, did he? Seventh oldest roster on opening day.
  14. My first “real” boss told me something many, many years ago when I was promoted to another location. I asked him what he could tell me about my new boss. He thought for a bit and then said “in your career you’ll find that sometimes people show you how to not do things right.” I think we can apply this principle to Allen and the Bills. Josh should watch P-man and learn from him how to not do things. Silver lining?
  15. This is a well reasoned and articulate response. You must be lost.
  16. Arm Accuracy Complete control Football IQ Decisive Guts At this point in his development Allen has the arm & the guts. Let's hope that he has the football IQ that will allow him to develop the ability to control the offense and play decisively. Shame on McDermott for not supplying him with a mentor.
  17. We must be talking about two entirely different things. The Bills are, this season, a mess. If you think that there are more than 5 worse please list them for me.
  18. I'll take those odds.
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