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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. Thank you all for letting us be US.
  2. Thanks Ferguson. When I saw him in 8th grade playing against my son’s team I knew.
  3. Dumb? Did you not see that little bipedal dervish on the field yesterday? He was a force. I’ll take that kind of dumb twice on Sunday. I just don’t understand the negative attitudes around here.
  4. When you’re right, you’re right. Great call Ferguson.
  5. Witch hunt ? damn that’s some good stuff there. They were filthy and the got off with less than a slap on the wrist.
  6. Soft pass for me, but whatever floats your boat.
  7. We need to find someone with axual nowlege about fish. I think all y’all is posers.
  8. That’s heinous! Ferguson only cares about catching the big one so he is ruining the pristine Hudson Valley.
  9. We are the students who say Ni!????
  10. You live in a very special world.
  11. God, I love hockey players. The first game against the Canadians, not the first game of the season. Strange wording there.
  12. You should consider starting a thread about this travesty.
  13. Tastes differ. Grind some of your favorite coffee, put it in the pod and you have a nice cup of coffee. For those who don't need more than a cup or two it's a nice alternative.
  14. What are the Scientologists saying about this?
  15. Get the Keurig and the reusable cup. No plastic, happy wife, happy whales.
  16. That's true. It's much cheaper to fly and stay in October than late November. Non peak is always best.
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