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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. MRAGSLHSS=MRAGS loves him some Sammy MRAGSLHSCJS=MRAGS loves him some CJ Spiller GUGNY=T-Bone MTAW=BBF Country Cletus=someone who married way over their head NG=well, you know DCTom=overcompensation for ones failures
  2. White guy with tightly curled hair is doing color? Somehow this doesn't seem right.
  3. ? If you hadn't been stealing the covers for scrap this wouldn't have happened. I hope you learned your lesson young man. Or you could just buy one that's actually made for the job. made me cringe...glad it's healing up.
  4. He's been around for a couple tailgates so he isn't absent from the area and likely checks in w his mates. He looks very trim and fit. Nice to hear that he did a good job for Fox, always loved his intensity on the field.
  5. That's what I'm thinking.
  6. Been nipping at the old bottle again?
  7. After the first game I was ready for him to be made inactive for at least a couple games. Now I think I’m with you, let him dress each week and sit the bench. I think that being a “healthy scratch” might hurt his pride worse.
  8. There's nothing unusual going on there.
  9. Happy to see that your math skills haven't diminished along with your looks. Congrats on 10 years CG. Seems like yesterday.
  10. only an inbred incel would say pee-can. It's pronounced PEE-cahn.
  11. One million times "No." It was a failure by the HC, nothing more, nothing less.
  12. Amazing that it took McDefense so long to figure it out. What's tough to defend McGenius? Speed. What do you want on your defense McProcess? Speed. Why do you want speed on your defense McSlow? To combat that of the offense. It really isn't hard to figure out for most. Unfortunately it took our HC a year and a half.
  13. I'm not harping, just trying to give my take on why it was asked of you (by others) twice.
  14. did it make a sound?
  15. The biggest false messiah since Bledsoe. Let him go and don't look back.
  16. I'll retract because I agree and I'm poor with words...but my guess it that's why the questions arose.
  17. What's the relevance? Does your statement carry more impact with it than without? To me, no, it does not. That makes it unnecessary. Would you just as easily type white woman as opposed to blond?
  18. You sir have some amazing powers there. You can decipher voting patterns based on what one considers abuse to a child? Do me a favor and toss your bones and let me know what numbers I should play. Now myself, having "known" WEO for years would guess that he's voted with you as much as against you. If I were backed into a corner I would guess he's voted with you more often. None of that matters to the topic at hand and why on god's green earth you decided to include it is beyond my powers of comprehension. There is a line between abuse and strict parenting. That line differs from person to person. If the "collective" you are not concerned about a man who once beat his kid bloody & is now admitting to belting that same kid then I don't know what to tell you.
  19. Not sure if intended or not, but, the (to me) condescending tone isn't warranted to the person you're quoting. He gives well reasoned opinions after wins as well as losses. If you want someone to jump on/off the bandwagon then John is not your guy.
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