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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. It was a joke. The thread title is axing a question, but the OP gave a very thorough and well reasoned analysis. Hence my jab. Why ax a question if you already know the answer.
  2. Shall we start with Joseph or Siemian or Osweiler or Kelly or Lynch or Keenum? I could go google John Elway idiot moves, but those are off the top of my head.
  3. I hate it when people ask me a question and then answer it without giving me an opportunity to utter a sound.
  4. Rams Saints Chargers Colts
  5. Whelp, in 2-3 years we'll find out whether John Elway is the bumbling idiot many think he is or a competant professional who rightly put his stamp on the organization he was in charge of. I'm a strong lean towards the former.
  6. I realize that I'm a visionary, and this just confirms it. If only I had trademarked the phrase "pass to set up the run" when I first uttered it so many years ago.
  7. Guess that makes you the pick of the litter.
  8. What is @CountryCletus doing with all them guitars?
  9. oh, so now you’ve crossed the line into flat out slanderous behavior looks like someone will be needing the services of @BringBackFergy Cheatum & Howe
  10. Mahomes is the present day Kurt Warner without the wifely baggage.
  11. At least Anne Murray never had her pants sued off for stealing. more like “borrowed” zeppelin
  12. Anne Murray could teach these head bangers a thing or three about melodies.
  13. So, if my math skills are correct your next three albums were V, IV, VI.
  14. Just curious...why do you suppose a HC would use the draft board of a GM who he wanted gone and knew it was only a matter of days before it happened? Why would a HC trust anything from the lame duck?
  15. QB purgatory indeed. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I think that both teams need to openly explore a possible trade for a vet QB and also look to the draft. I'm very skeptical that either will ever be better than lower average. If I had to guess I'd say Mariota stays, Winston goes. (although hasn't Winston gotten the dreaded vote of confidence from ownership?)
  16. Nice to see you ma'am. So it looks like you ditched Howard for some chick named Marrion. I sincerely hope that the two of you are very happy. You deserve it after living with that putz Howard for so long.
  17. Well, he is yellow. His specialty is muckraking and he takes joy in the suffering of others.
  18. Now there’s a topic that I can get behind.
  19. A better phrasing might be “who on here would admit to meeting @Gugny?”
  20. Congratulations. please give us plenty of notice about the high quality posts. I can’t wait for that change to take effect.
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