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Cripple Creek

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Everything posted by Cripple Creek

  1. @Chandler#81
  2. @Just Jack @Nervous Guy @AiO
  3. I don’t want to stray too far off topic, but @plenzmd1 has been know to drink a wee bit too much. Don’t worry about anything he says.
  4. Would have beat Cleveland if not for Ronnie Harmon too.
  5. More of a late season Flutie. I know you’re probably too young to remember, but Flutie couldn’t hold up to the rigors of a 16 game season, let alone playoffs. Murray is of the same ilk and the OP is correct in many of his assumptions so-called “experts” aside.
  6. Why are you polluting a beautiful thread with your nonsense?
  7. The two concepts are not diatomaceously opposed.
  8. Heard a bit about him this morning. I'm sure that plenty of bad will come out, but many are talking about how he tried to be a difference maker in his neighborhood.
  9. I'm not certain that you are correct. I believe that the "fossil record" is something created to confuse simple humans. How far will your cents of humor get you when the Day of Reckoning arrives, Johnny?
  10. This is a good one. Tell me you don't inhale hoping for a bit of scent as a beautiful woman passes by you.
  11. So, you are not a fan of first time coaches? What retread would you trade McDermott for? Chucky? Cowher? Fans are a fickle lot. If an experienced coach craps the bed everyone wants some new blood. New blood craps the bed everybody wants "someone established." Just find the best guy to coach the Sabres. If he's a first timer good luck to him. If he's an established HC then good luck to him too. How much sway do you think he needs?
  12. Kid is a fighter, Rock.
  13. I'm finally into season 6. Rounding third and heading for home.
  14. Ya gotta do a pork belly if you haven't already. Very easy, cure a week ahead and then smoke. When it's done you have BACON.
  15. Bacon was amazing. Ribs perfect. Chicken a bit overdone.
  16. Wow, way to ruin a fun thread. You should be so proud of your immaturity.
  17. Thanks for the link. Consider changing the title to Erie County politician though. Quite a difference between the two here.
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