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Everything posted by pm73

  1. bledsoe, smedsloe....i can't stop staring at your avatar. nice friggin keester!!!!
  2. great...now build me a freaking addition on my house with radiant floor heat and a luxury bath!
  3. does he look like a "fruitcake" or what??? On the front page of NFL.com
  4. I want Michael Munoz, OT from Tennessee. if heredity and genes have anything to do with it, this might be the best player in the draft. if manning got picked #1 for the same reasons, then munoz would be a STEAL in the 2nd. the chances of him becoming JUST HALF as good as his father make me drool drool drool. did i mention it makes me drool? anyway, he's had a stellar career in college...no? getting to work with the best and drawing from the experiences of his father is just to tempting to pass up. his weakness are things that can be developed and obtained in the nfl and with age and maturity. (didn't mcnally work for many years with munoz sr. in cincinnati???) Strengths: Shows tremendous technique...Has great bloodlines...Is a team leader and great character player...Mature...Has good size and the frame to still get bigger...Is very experienced...Does all the little things and knows every trick in the book. Weaknesses: Durability is a major question mark...Has not developed into the dominating player most were expecting...May not have the killer instinct that all of the great ones possess...Not very explosive...Plays too high at times...May not have the athleticism and physical tools to handle the left tackle position in the pros. Notes: Son of Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz, one of the best NFL ofensive tackles of all time...Obviously he isn't the player his dad was but he has the tools to enjoy a fine career in the NFL...Health and durability will play a key role in where he is drafted.
  5. wow, i thought the same thing when i saw that ad. never really got into hootie but i thought their success was enough to keep him from having to do those kind of humiliating ads (that i wish i could do and get paid for).
  6. i just got an invite for a Gmail account. sweet! 1000mb of storage, message searches. so far it seems pretty cool but theres still seems like they have work to do. the concept is great though. my bro-in-law also just got invited. seems like they are opening up more to the general public. anyone else get one?
  7. if this truely is the environment that you operate under, then i would agree with AD. a stern warning is in order and perhaps some sort of public apology (or at least a face to face apology with the victim) so that a little humility is instilled in order to drive home the fact that this cannot happen again by him or anyone else. you can tell everyone that this is a warning for EVERYONE and if there is a next time then dismissal will be the result.
  8. i'm sorry, but drew thinks he is an intelligent speaker, he tries to sound classy, but that speech was chocked full of innuendo and cheap shots, coated with powdered sugar. the guy is so dillusional as to his importance of success of this team and his ability as a player. here's some examples: maybe, first you gotta find a team, then you have to be given the starters job, then you have to go out and make that team better. i don't think so but we'll see. why?...what possible play by DB could make his think this....that there is not one other qb who is or might become available who could take our team to the next level??? and as for JP....drew p0layed like a friggin rookie last year, at least JP has a year under his belt. simple, no support at all to the abilities of jp, and dillusional in his implication that things would be different if he were going to be the qb. uhhh....cuz you force their hand by refusing to be a backup. oh my god...i mean, oh my god....is this really the guy at qb for the bills the past three years? excuses, excuses, excuses. right drew, none of it was your terrible play, bad decisions, fumbles, ints. COME ON! again, in his mind, jp has all the tools so if he is successful where i failed it is because of the team around him. i wasn't given any kind of talent, that's why i blew. how many more times can i type dillusional??? personally, i wish drew would have been classy, remebering the millions upon millions of dollars that the bills have givin him and sit back and be a mentor to JP. there is always a (sometimes good) chance that he could have found the field again and proven everyone wrong. he ran like a scared little kid. if he runs back to parcells that will be even more proof to me that he's a wuss and knows he cant be successful without parcells breathing down his neck. he spoke well and dipped his words in honey, but CLASSY was not what i got out of that speech.
  9. i got my first electric guitar, an Ibanez Dana II, at a pawn shop in fla. you can definitely negotiate. sometimes going back a couple times until you get the price you want (so long as someone else doesn't buy) can get you a great deal. just gotta know what you're buying cuz sales are most often final.
  10. my brother works for the county. many of his friends are gone. some of the "lucky" ones (he included) have "only" had their hours cut to part time. it's very real and already happening.
  11. yes, you're partly correct. an integrated HDTV set will come with only one decoder, i believe, so you must get the one that matches your environment (satellite,cable, OTA). however, if you change your environment after the fact, you're stuck. it's almost always better to buy HDTV Ready and get the decoder that meets your needs.
  12. if you decide to go the HDTV route, be sure to get an HDTV READY unit rather then the integrated set. they do not have the built-in digital decoder to display high resolution. the decoders come separately. decoder technology is changing rather rapidly and getting a tv with it already built in may handcuff you as the technology changes in the future.
  13. so you think that we should entrust the offense to a QB who has PROVEN to be inept and quite capable of getting our team off to a slow start???? i don't understand why people cant see that with JP, though he may mirror the poor play of drew the past couple years, has the POTENTIAL to have a successful year. does DB??? do you really think that the 4th year is the charm and he's gonna finally wake up and be the superstar we all thought he would be? i really believe that the worst from JP will be the normal play of DB, which stunk!!!!! what is there possibly to lose???
  14. man, i still can't believe this ever happened. Clint Malarchuk
  15. 3rd room...'94
  16. Two great movies that they have recently made remakes of: The Longest Yard The Flight of the Phoenix I could believe that the remakes might be decent movies and enjoyable to watch but why the hell are they being remade in the first place. Were these originals missing something that the new ones will add????? Could someone please tell me why great movies are remade??!!
  17. so has the team made an official announcement yet on who will be taking his spot? are they keeping roll on as S&C coach and not having the "administrator" position that jones had?
  18. conan is by far the man with jon stewart and letterman distant 2nds
  19. my first reaction to this when i first heard it ws WTF? but....have the bills been a well conditioned team the past few years? not like during the early nineties. maybe jones has slipped a little and hasn't been doing the little things necessary to keep the players motivated to stay fit throughout the season AND offseason (ie. MW). didn't we lose a lot of leads in the 4th quarter the past couple years? maybe TD felt that the way the players were being conditioned had something to do with this. anyway, it will be intersting to see if this roll guy takes over or if they bring in someone new.
  20. hey man, i'm just sharing what has been reported to try and keep everyone aware of what may be going on regarding the bills. i didn't pose the question. don't know why they would want henry with the backs on thier roster, however, it is true that all of their "very good backs" have missed huge chunks of all of their seasons for one reason or another.
  21. according to the article in the NY Post that AirBledsoe11 originally posted, the Vikings are now interested in Henry. TRADE-A-BILL Bills running back Travis Henry almost certainly will have a new team by the start of the 2005 season, but sources told The Post that the Bills will almost definitely hold on to Henry until the draft, unless they are totally blown away by an offer. Donahoe put the minds of Dolphins fans at ease when he recently stated that he would be willing to trade Henry in the division provided he got enough in return. The Vikings are also interested in the Bills' back. sounds like we may be waiting until draft day to find out his fate.
  22. so do you and others who think that evans wont be a good #1 reciever think that evans was a wasted pick? i mean, a #16 overall pick for a #2 reciever? that doesn't seem right. i'm of the opinion that evans will turn into a great #1 reciever but will need a year or two more to develop into that. if not then that pick will be considered a bust in the future.
  23. seriously??? if you couldn't find the humor in ND, i kinda feel sorry for you. maybe it reflected your days in high school too closely and it made you cringe. i'm looking forward to H and K, heard it was funny. we'll see if its OLD SCHOOL funny.
  24. i'd much rather keep him but if we can't restructure EM, how bout trading him and bringing in mason if he is released. mason and evans, that would be a nice combo. and he'd probably come at half the price of EM.
  25. W O W !!!! how often are there even four HOFers in one draft, let alone all four going to one team?
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