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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan

  1. Wasn't that 2009 game vs the Pats the one where McKelvin had a critical fumble?

    Oh the HORROR.....the HORROR!!!!

    Those Jauron teams really knew how to play an exciting game...

    Somewhere, he's smiling................................................................................or not

  2. He was also at the Sabres game the day before the home loss to the Pats.

    Rex didn't drop those balls or hit the right upright or let Hogan catch a 53 yard TD. The plan was there (except for lack of emphasis on running TD Mike more). We didn't execute plays on 3rd down on both sides of the ball. Simple as that. Having Rex stay at OBD until 3:00AM wouldn't have changed that.




    In hindsight, the loss may have been my fault. Had I actually bought the LORAX jersey, we might have won!!!

  3. When talking about leadership, I'm reminded of last year when Fred was let go. There was a noticeable void from outward appearances (let's face it - we're not in the locker room). This year, things appear to be better. Changes: the LORAX and Kyle. During training camp, I also point to Spikes. Maybe I'm wrong, but it does seem to be better this year.

  4. It'll be interesting to see the different packages Rex and Co. called on 3rd downs.


    The Bills were beasts on 1st and 2nd downs and crap on 3rd. Hopefully this isn't due to Rex and Rob out smarting themselves with weird packages and calls.

    You hit the nail on the head!! It's so frustrating to see runners stuffed, Brady sacked, a pass break-up (well, I can dream) - only to give it all up on 3rd down. AUGH!!!!!

  5. That was bad, but even worse, they had just a single LB on him later in the game.

    I think it was the one were Gronk actually made a great catch but was OB, the LB

    might have been Spikes who was a good 5 yards behind him!

    I was at the game and yes, it was Spikes! I couldn't believe it. Spikes covering Gronk?!?! I mean, I like the guy, but coverage is not his forte!


    If the corners were doing what corners are supposed to do in this defense, they wouldn't be 4-4.

    This! The sacks are an improvement and much needed. But, if the QB still makes the completion on a critical down, then it's all for nothing. That's what happened in the Pats, Dolphins and Jets games. Sacks are great, no question. But, unless it's on 3rd down, you better be able to stop them the next play or two. Corners have been bad this year. I've post my distaste for Gilmore, but it was there prior to this year's performance. I've seen him get burned before or play 10 yards off the receiver. Yeah, he makes the tackle, but gives up a 1st down. Darby is having a rough sophomore year, so I'll give him a little more slack. Should have re-sign Rambo. He played with heart - more so than Gilmore does. AW's possible impending retirement doesn't help either and the Bills FO should have addressed that possibility in the off season. We need a strong safety. Blanton sucks!!! Terrible against the Dolphins and the Pats!

  7. What really galls me is that guys like Aaron Williams gives his heart and soul to that team by flying around out there, getting cracked, actually putting his life on the line for this team while that fat piece of **** just sits back smoking blounts, laughing and cracking jokes without a care in the world. Other guys like Kyle Williams and Corey Graham, one being a 30 something years old, coming back from an injury filled year, pouring his heart out and laying it all on the line, and the other playing in front of his home town, playing with pride. Even Jerry Hughes and Ritchie Incognito, who both got paid as well in the off season, keeping their mouths shut and just grinding. There was one play, I forget which game, where Incognito just went up and completely over trying to lay a lick on somebody. These are the guys that I want to hear about, the ones who really give a ****! I hope the first time that that big piece of garbage plays in front of the home crowd that they really know what they think of him. As far as I'm concerned he came never come back from what he did, no matter how well he may play and no matter what he has to say. I just wish that there is some way to get out from under his contract so he can no longer be a Bill. Where's Ted Washington, THAT'S the kind of guy I want for a DT for the Buffalo Bills!

    You forgot the LORAX!!! That's the guy we need to clone!

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