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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Posts posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan


    There are 3 key reasons:


    1. Our Defense - I am not calling it Rex's defense, because that just puts all the blame on Rex and disregards the complete lack of tackling when our guys WERE in position to make plays in Rex's defense and just didn't. It disregards the stupidity of dumb penalties by Hughes and others that were on them, not the scheme. It disregards the bone head Marcel for getting suspended and turning up out of shape causing him to miss even more time. Im NOT absolving Rex, but I am also not giving our players a free pass on the countless times they just flat out blew it, and its more than anyone can count over the 2 years. Not having Shaq for the preseason and first half the year and not having Rags the whole season also didn't do us any favors.


    2. Carpenter - This guy has cost us plenty the last 2 years. How many times did his DOUBLE DIGIT missed XP's impact the end of games where we needed a TD rather than a FG? How many times did his missed FG's cost us big? I mean he has GOT TO GO. Its really hard to win close games when your kicker struggles as much as he has the last 2 years. There have been several games where a FG would have won or tied the game for us (and we got to FG position) but Carpenters earlier misses on either XP or FG's put us down by 4 or more and we needed a TD instead.


    3. Ref mistakes - Now this ONLY really cost us 2 games in the last years in my eyes. Every team deals with bad calls that go against them and also in their favor. But 2 games were directly stolen from us by not just bad calls, but atrocious and inexcusable referee mistakes and when you are talking about how close we are, those matter a lot. Those 2 games were the Giants game last year where the refs stole TD's from us multiple times on phantom calls that cost us the game and this year in Seattle. There is a lot that goes into a win or loss, but in both those games the mistakes made by the refs undeniably impacted the outcome of the game where we almost certainly win without.


    This team is close, so I really hope we don't blow the whole thing up. I think the last week of the season showed just how much of a mistake it would be to let Taylor go. He is good enough to lead us into the playoffs as we were one of the highest scoring teams in the league once Roman was let go. Going into next year, we have a lot to look forward to and build upon:


    1. We will have our top 2 draft picks from this past season back at full strength in ready to make a big impact in Shaq (who has looked promising) and Rags (who was off to an impressive start before the injury), so that alone should boost the D.

    2. A potentially better defensive scheme under new coaching.

    3. Marcel for the whole season (assuming he doesnt do something dumb again)

    4. A healthy Watkins (assuming this surgery goes well and doesnt creat more setbacks)

    5. Our top 2 draft picks from this past draft back and healthy ready to make a big impact on D (Shaq has looked the part so far and Rags was looking the part before the injury, a lot to be excited about with those 2).


    Now add in some potential help coming via FA and the draft at WR and Safety and we have the makings of a run again next year as we damn near made one the last 2 years despite all the issues with the D and injuries.


    So bringing back Taylor IMO is the right choice, as he and the offense did enough this year even with our best weapons often hurt or out for large portions of the season. With all that in place, we should be looking at a potentially good season next year assuming we don't get smashed with injuries to our best players again or lose them to suspensions.


    I honestly believe and would argue that we are the 2nd most attractive job opening in the NFL right now behind only Denver who has a lot of talent overall but is missing a QB.

    Perfect post. #1 especially. Coach can't tackle; only players. Somebody posted some stats on Carpenter and it was surprising to see that he's about middle of the pack. not the worst, but certainly not the best. Time for some real competition.

  2. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/12/30/wade-phillips-could-become-a-coaching-free-agent-soon/


    Wade Phillips just built arguably one of the best defenses in the history of the NFL. If he makes it to market there is no team that could pay him as much as the Pegulas. This is unlikely given the way he was forced out of town here as head coach but most if not all of those people are gone now.

    I seriously doubt he'd come back as a coordinator. HC, maybe. Just maybe.......


    Is Flutie available, though?

  3. You completely lost me at Hoyer. The Bills are not a 4 - 12 team, so why blow everything on the roster up? If they actually played defense Saturday, they would be playing with an outside opportunity to make the playoffs.


    17 years of no playoffs brings out some crazy ideas.

    Hahahahahhaha..... Totally agree. I read this and I immediately thought of the Dave Chappelle show and Rick James. "Cocaine's is a hell of a drug!!"

  4. Losing AW killed the defense. Why losing one specific player had such an impact on Rex's defense is beyond me.

    Here's the thing about AW entering the 2016 season. Based on the bizarre injury last year, there was a possibility that he: 1. Wouldn't be the same 2. Would get injured again. The lack of foresight into having a top-notch Safety to back him up is atrocious. So, on that item, who's to blame? Is that a Rex decision? Is that a Whaley decision? Was it a priority, but there simply weren't any quality/affordable Safeties out there?


    But, one thing is sure: AW's absence was a major impact on this defense.

  5. OP - excellent, well-written post. I am agreement with everything you said. I'm especially intrigued at the possibility of finding a young HC that would stay for a long time in Buffalo. The teams with multi-year success have continuity at the HC level. Look at Patriots, Steelers, Packers, Seahawks, Giants (with Coughlin), Chiefs, Colts, Bengals. Each team in the playoffs most of the years, but not panic when they don't. Who wouldn't trade for the Bengals performances under Lewis? Playoff almost every year. Sure one-and-done, but it's still playoffs and wins in the regular season. Let's get some one that'll turn it around and stick with them. Unfortunately, Rex was not the answer. His defense is either too antiqued or too complex. At the end of the day, if you're strength is defense and you can't stop anyone, then a change is needed. I like the Shanahan for HC idea. Let's get-r-done!!!

  6. I'm so glad the OP brought this to the forefront!! Special Teams has been a very weak point this year. I'm not totally against Carpenter (see the other thread about him - I believe Rex totally messed him up!), but we probably need to take a good look at other options coming spring. But, the kick and punt coverage has been terrible. The Lorax has been the only bright spot. The rest of the team needs to go to the Steve Tasker school of hard knocks!!


    Just think: Had we had proper coverage or a deep, non-returnable kick on the last regulation kick to Miami, we win that game. Seeing that return, I knew that'd kick the field goal and go into OT and we'd lose. See that too many times over the years. Total lack of killer instinct, which I've brought up before regarding the Raiders and Seahawks games. And that's coaching. You get the lead with 1:00 remaining and you get the team together and tell them to stomp on their throats!!! Build a bully...........or something like that I heard.

  7. After today's incredible news, this post is needed? To say Pegs needs to APOLOGIZE?!?!?! And to a reporter of all people?!?! F that! Terry owes NOTHING to the media or fans. He owns the team and can do whatever he wants. You should be praising him for having the balls to do it!! As for Terry not indicating that Rex could be fired, things change. The epic collapse to the Raiders, pitiful run defense against the Steelers and poor coaching against Miami sealed Rex's fate!!!


    Do you really think Pegs was thinking, "Well, I probably shouldn't fire Rex because I told 'Carlucci' that we want continuity???" Hahahahahaha.......

  8. I would rather have Case Keenum. I think he did well for the Rams and that offensive line was just terrible. Goff ain't gonna be much better. I think he's a more capable QB than Tyrod. Can he run like TT? No, but I'd rather have an accurate quarterback than one that's better at running. Build the offensive line like Dallas has done and get a "real" quarterback.

  9. I thought those were honest and fair comments from him. Nothing controversial here, as far as I'm concerned.

    I totally agree. If I were Sammy, I'd be straight up pissed-off! He's been getting open, yet is rarely thrown the ball. He's our primary receiver, yet we focus on everything but Sammy. I appreciate his honesty and passion for wanting to win. In fact, I think he's been incredibly conservative in his comments. Think of how TO, Irvin, or Rice would be screaming if they had Tyrod on their teams!!

  10. that sequence at the end of the half was pretty baffling. The Bills were trying to run out the clock with 2 minutes remaining in the half. Who does that? The Patriots' have made an art form of the scoring on the last possession of the first half, and first possession of the second half for 2 free scores that are essentially theirs to take and a huge swing.

    A team without confidence and balls. Simply put. Happened in the New England game, too. Gave the ball back to Pats and they get a late FG. Pathetic.

    Oh and I totally agree with everything Vic had to say. He totally nailed it and I HOPE the message is being read loud and clear at OBD. Perhaps it will light a fire and they will dominate the Steelers.

  11. if they were going through the motions why did they play very well in the first half. The defense was gassed in the second half due to 4 yards by he offense on 4 series

    Boy, I love this stat!!! 4 yards! Wow! 1, 2, 3, 4 bam!


    We will be talking about that 10 years from now!

    "Remember when we almost made the playoffs in '16? Yeah, good times....."

  12. Guys the roster isn't far off. We had injuries and TT not only didn't get better he regressed. Fits with our running game and a good line.(Jets line is awfully this year) can be effective. He will only have to throw 25 times a game not 40

    yeah, but going 10 out of those 25 still ain't gonna get-r-done.


    You have to be joking right?? Have you watched Fitz play at all this year? He's garbage, end of story. There's a reason why no one signed him this offseason and the Jets waited until the end of camp to bring him back. Not including decker, He has 3 big-body WR's to throw to and still has 14 interceptions this year. I'm not sure what to do with our QB situation but Fitz will only make it worse.


    No way Pryor hits the open market. Before resigning any of their free agents this off-season the Browns will have ~$114 million in cap space and the only free agents they have worth resigning are Pryor/Collins.


    Here's what I would do to improve this team. Figure out a way to get out of the horrible Clay contract. He's overvalued and not even utilized in our offense. I would then target M. Bennet, V. Davis, or V. McDonald. Bennet would be cheaper than clay and the other two significantly cheaper. I would also go after Kenny Britt if he makes it to the market. He's finally come around as an adult and as a player. He would be affordable and give us an upgrade as a big body WR.


    Either sign a safety or draft one if a top prospect is available at our pick. A great safety will allow our corners to play the tight press coverage Rex needs while knowing they have help behind them. Cutting Wood would create a good amount of dead cap btw.

    With Gronk's continual injuries, I think the Pats hold on the Bennett long term. Sure, I'd love to have him. But I think that's an uphill battle. Plus, we do have a good TE on IR currently and O'Leary seems to be getting better. TT just doesn't know how to throw the damn ball to him.

  13. PastFan, preciate your 2 cents from time to time. There's not a lot of fans from other teams that would do what U have here. The penalties point is valid, but


    attitude (killer instinct) here IS very important, especially in a game like football. When we (Bills) were kicking everybody's a _ _ in the early 90's, guys


    on all 3 units had that attitude, and it showed in their play. For years now I've seen Brady many, many times during a game going up & down the


    bench yelling at the players, just like Kelly used to do. Keeping them hungry, pissed, fired-up. It works. Maintain the killer frame of mind. Go Bills!

    So true.......


    I hate Brady as much as the next Bills fan, but the post above is so right. He pulls them together and gets them going. Kelly and crew were the same.


    The Patriots "Do Your Job" mantra is so true. Those that don't ARE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. We don't have that atmosphere here, unfortunately.

  14. True.


    To the OP's point I think that it comes down to desire (talent aside). How much do you care about the game and your teammates? The money is so much more than the past when players played in large measure because they loved the game. Now many are in it for the paycheck. In drafting I think that it is important to try to determine how much the game means to a player. How passionate is he? Everyone today can run faster and jump higher that yesterday's players, but, do they want it?


    Passionate player: Kyle Williams

    In it for the money:Marcel Dareus

    Exactly! I always think about Ronnie Lott in these moments. Cut his finger off to play. That's the type of commitment and desire to play this team needs. Now, I'm not saying we need a test to see who is willing to actually cut off their finger, but you can determine a players passion vs. paycheck.


    Oh and to add to your list: Kyle Orton. That Denver game where he could have run one extra yard for the first down but decided to run out of bounds?!?! KITTY move. I put Girlmore on this list, too. Trying to tackle? pah-lease.......

  15. Watching the Raiders game and others this season, I've not seen any sense of "killer instinct" with this team at all. When we had the lead 24-9, that's when you put your boot to their neck and put the game away. This applies to BOTH offense and defense!!! Offense needs to keep it rolling and the defense needs to throttle them into submission. No excuses for this collapse!!!!


    Think back to the Bengals game. How many of you thought that we are going to lose that game because we kept giving the ball back to Dalton?? I know I was absolutely stressing in the fourth quarter.


    This team needs swagger and they are sorely lacking it. Teams just aren't afraid of us.

  16. Beforehand, did I think they would do it? Probably not, given the circumstances.


    A few minutes in the 2nd half, you're damn right I did. The collapse is the thing that's bugging me, not the defeat itself.

    ABSOLUTELY!!!!! We had this game. What a monumental collapse!! That's the part that ticks me off the most.

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