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Houston's #1 Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Houston's #1 Bills Fan

  1. I just hate these guys. I truly hope this is the year we turn the tide and we are on top of the East for a long time and the biggest competition is the Jets. Let the evil empire die.....
  2. As mentioned in an earlier thread, FORT KNOX!
  3. Living in Houston, lot of Texan's fans not happy they didn't draft Cody. Their loss, our win!!!
  4. I've always heard it said, that a good Tight End is a QB's best friend. What I see out of this guy is a big, tall target that doesn't drop the ball (hello Clay) and moves the sticks. Yes, we need blazers and slippery RB's. But, I'll take reliable, sure hands all day long. I like the pick!
  5. Ahhh, don't worry, they won't arrive 'til much later! There's pictures of the Jills? Circa what year?? Hahahaha....that girl is probably over 30 now!
  6. I have no problem with this guy in the 2nd. We can use some serious speed. This boy has it! I'm also a big Isabella fan. Great options to have if Isabella, Brown, Campbell and Samuel are available when we pick. Could also trade-up for one if FO thinks they are that big of an impact player.
  7. 1st Round - Hock, Q.Williams, Devin White or Oliver 2nd Round - Andy Isabella (make sure he's NOT a Patriot!!)
  8. Hahahaha...AWESOME. And, I fully endorse this strategy to keep him away from the Cheats!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyhjUFcXgo0
  9. He just won't have the Raiders on this one! But, I've like listening to him over most of those idiots, especially Kiper. That fool is always wrong!!!
  10. I'm not opposed to it, but certainly will depend on the cost and how far up in the draft do you go? Who also falls that we don't have to trade up for (Josh Allen, Devon White?). Quinnen would be awesome to get, but I think we're too far back to make it happen. Take Oliver and be happy.
  11. Terry Bradshaw doesn't like you....
  12. I am not in favor of a retractable roof. Here in Houston, we have one and the damn thing is closed all the time!! Said to "enhance the home field advantage". BS. I can't stand that. It's Houston, it's sunny, open the damn roof. Happens over at Minute Maid Park, too (Astros). I feel the same would happen in Buffalo, but for different reasons. Here's it's "too hot", so they'll close the roof and make it louder. In Buffalo, any chance of snow and they'll close the roof. I think we lose an advantage to Southern/West Coast/Doom teams that can't play in snow. Jim Kelly grow up in East Brady, PA and was already used the play in the snow! We need that!!
  13. Tradition. We've done it 3 out of the last 4 years!! It's a new rivalry!! The Wonderlic Battle!!! 37 vs 13!!
  14. Preach, brother, preach!!! I agree wholeheartedly.
  15. Jamarcus thought it was an eating contest!
  16. I don't know why, but this just had me laughing hysterically (inside voice) at my desk at work!! Too damn funny!!!
  17. I'd actually rather have TO than Dez. I still think TO could play and be better than half our receivers.
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