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Everything posted by MPT

  1. That's how long the routes are taking to develop. Daboll hasn't done anything to adjust for the shoddy O-line play.
  2. They have 11 points against us in the last 8 quarters of football. Defense is not the issue today.
  3. It was clear OPI. It just happened well before the ball got there.
  4. No he didn't. Gesicki just shoved him out of the way. Two blatant penalties against the Dolphins on that play that weren't called. Hughes had his helmet ripped off FFS.
  5. Low revenue for the league. That's it. I believe when they build a new stadium we'll magically start seeing better officiating.
  6. He definitely slipped. He did a weird little hop and then slipped with both feet and went straight to the ground. It's nearly impossible to stop a QB from moving the ball six inches forward unless he either fumbles or slips. Tom Brady is one of the least athletic quarterbacks to ever play football and he makes these plays every single time.
  7. And then proceeded to miss a wide open Beasley for the win and then couldn't lean forward six inches for the first down. I love Allen but he played like ass in the second half. He could have just taken the easy throws underneath and closed it out stress free. Instead he took bad sacks and made bad deep throws.
  8. Umm Moss dislocated a guy's shoulder a few weeks ago AND got the TD. He runs hard.
  9. They only needed six inches for the first down. It is mind boggling that they failed
  10. Josh had an awful game. So many easy plays ignored in favor of missing guys deep. Defense didn't show up. Absolute garbage.
  11. AJ is inactive.
  12. Nice chop block by the Chiefs there. Obviously no call.
  13. Love the way Rousseau sheds blocks.
  14. So this guy becomes a fan in 87 and is probably whining about fans during the regular season matchup against the Bengals in 1988. These other fans are talking about how "the run defense needs to be better" and "Kelly has to protect the ball better." And this guy is berating these fans for being so negative about a team that's 10-2. Then comes the AFC Championship game and these same problems resurface and the Bills lose to the Bengals again, ending their season. So yeah, it's great to pound Miami into dust. But it takes a little more nuance to understand that sloppy football won't get you where you want to go. If you just want to be a cheerleader, that's cool. But maybe lay off when other people want to actually talk about what they're seeing.
  15. The block looked fine until he rode him five yards out of bounds. Should have been a personal foul call. It's also pretty disappointing he walked away from the Bills' sideline totally unscathed. I feel like that kind of behavior should start a brawl.
  16. I don't think people dislike Sanders as much as they like Davis. We drafted the kid and he had an amazing rookie season so people, including me, were excited to see him get to work as the #2 with a year of experience under him. Sanders just disrupted that. Now I don't know if Davis is better than Sanders or not but I thought he was underutilized yesterday.
  17. Oh, so you are allowed to analyze the game, but everyone else needs to calm down. Got it.
  18. That is how football works though. This isn't basketball or hockey where everyone plays offense and defense. They are completely separate entities. If the defense only gives up 16 points, they did their job well. Obviously it's still a team loss, but you can't say the defense played poorly when they only gave up one touchdown. Just curious, would you still blame the defense if we lost 6-3? 10-6? Where's the cutoff?
  19. When I saw that Moss was a scratch I thought we'd be seeing a lot of 11 or 12 sets to chip block their DL with some bigger bodies and set up some short routes as relief valves for any pressure. Turns out, nope. Just didn't even take into account one of the best DLs in the league and decided to go 00 even when it was painfully obvious it wasn't working.
  20. If you're discussing the performance of the defense, then you can absolutely disregard points off ST. If anything, a blocked punt is more closely related to the offense.
  21. I actually haven't heard that at all. If true, it's interesting that he decided not to put any of that preparation to use yesterday.
  22. I mean... He is literally a starting QB in this league, so...
  23. That punt didn't get blocked because the punter is slow. It got blocked because someone missed their blocking assignment and the defender came right up the middle. No other punter would have had a different outcome.
  24. Running plays are much more predictable. The mystery here is how they covered 5 guys with only 2 decent backs. Drops and missed throws killed us all day long.
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