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Posts posted by MPT

  1. 34 minutes ago, Bob Jones said:

    Honestly, the only replay they kept showing was from behind the receiver, and I could not tell when the contact was initiated, and how bad it was. Was very surprised that they didn’t have another angle, since you know, they have about 8 cameras at these games.


    They never show replays of blown calls. Never get to see about half of the ones they call on us.

  2. 7 hours ago, GunnerBill said:


    Again though, it is supply and demand. If the NFL charged foreigners the same price it charges you guys fewer would buy. It's the old political joke about how the Treasury sets taxes..... it doesn't work out how much it needs to pay for services and then work out the tax rate from that. It works out how much it can get away with charging and then decides what to spend it on :).


    In the US the NFL has worked out it can get away with charging a lot before customers pull the plug. 


    I don't approve of it, but that is market capitalism for you. They have a product that has a big market and there is quite a lot of price elasticity before people turn off..... and a lack of regulation to stop them exploiting it. 




    Supply and demand is for the poors. 


    If people aren't paying the exorbitant prices for NFL games on TV, suddenly it's "theft" and not supply and demand. 

  3. On 9/22/2023 at 12:22 PM, Beck Water said:

    Is that the daily hour long podcast?  Any idea when? I'd love to see a detailed breakdown but Man that's A Lot.


    It's only about a half hour. Even less if you're quick with the 15 second skip button. I automatically skip the first 2 minutes of intro / ads every episode. The episodes are also generally the same structure during the week. So if you want to hear instant reaction you listen to the next day's episode. If you want game film analysis, you listen to the next day. Then usually mailbag questions the day after that. Then crossover episode with the next opponent's host. Then injury update and predictions. 


    I highly recommend it, but if you only have time for one or two a week you can pick the ones that are most interesting to you.


    Edit: I should note that I usually listen to the episodes the morning after they're posted but he actually posts them in the evening. So the instant reaction episode will be posted the same evening if the game is during the day, etc.

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  4. On 9/22/2023 at 8:09 AM, mannc said:

    This pretty well sums it up for me.  I think the Chargers’ weapons are highly overrated…absolutely no deep threat, for a qb who throws a really nice deep ball.


     I would add one or two other things:


    if we’re talking W-L, the Chargers have zero home field advantage.  That probably costs them a game it two a year.


    it’s curious to me that Herbert really doesn’t ever run the ball unless forced to; no designed runs.  This is a guy who is probably Josh Allen’s equal as a runner.  I assume it’s because of injury concerns but this is a major part of his game that the chargers just ignore.


    the guy just isn’t clutch.  Always picks the worst time to make a bad decision.  He was the same at Oregon.  He is a pretty soft guy, playing for a soft team in a soft part of the country. Bad combination.



    All good points except for being equal to Josh as a runner. You said it in the last paragraph. He doesn't run the ball because he is soft. Justin doesn't have half the balls that Josh does. That's why he never runs and that's why he never comes up clutch. He'll turn the ball over less, but he's had better weapons than Josh his whole career and hasn't sniffed the same success.

  5. He's not wrong. It was pretty dirty. We had already knocked the ball down when Rapp laid that hit on him and he clearly went helmet to helmet when he easily could have avoided the hit altogether.


    That being said, we never get calls when Josh gets hit in the head or Diggs gets hit while defenseless. Those calls are reserved for certain players on certain teams to be determined by the NFL's marketing team.

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  6. 32 minutes ago, AuntieEm said:


     Yea Josh didn't run any screens today those are always good to frustrate a pass rush and slow them down.  I don't know if Josh just doesn't like screen plays but if that's the case he needs to learn it's not about what  plays he likes to run its about what plays will work against what he sees the defense doing but without film study hes not a ble to identify what plays will work to get the defenders to vacate the areas on the field he wants to run plays to.  


    It's not Josh's responsibility to install screen plays into the offense or call them during a game.


    I mean yeah, he could check into them. But how do we even know he has those plays available if they never run them? 

  7. 4 minutes ago, Shortchaz said:

    Well, it’s at least 50%. I mean, it’s a marriage.

    Josh/any qb1 is an extension of the coaching staff. the staff has to build the system to get the best results and the quarterback has to understand the system at a master level. 

    josh doesn’t seem to get certain nuanced concepts at a practical level. He’s either incapable, or doesn’t want to. 

    the bills could’ve lined up in double tight i formation and ran the ball on 80% of the second half plays and they probably would’ve won. 


    Yup. Tell your QB to go make plays when the plays are bull ***** then get upset when something bad happens. 


    OR draw up something with a chance of succeeding without superhuman abilities.

  8. Just now, newcam2012 said:

    Might want to add we need to find a Tim Brady too. Because Allen ain't no Brady. 


    No he's not, but there are many ways to win in the NFL. Brady was basically an OC on the field but he didn't have the arm talent or rushing ability or scrambling ability that Allen has. 


    Allen is not an OC but neither is Dorsey. You need at least one to win a Super Bowl.

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