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Everything posted by jrober38

  1. Doubtful. Georgia is heading for an automatic recount, which might move the vote a couple hundred votes, but that's usually the extent of the change from a recount. If Biden wins by a few thousand votes he should win.
  2. It's all over. Biden is going to win Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.
  3. Georgia should wind up for Biden. Mail in votes keep plugging along at a 70% clip with 18k left. If that continues, which it should, Biden will wind up with roughly a 3,500 vote win. Then there are supposedly 9k overseas/military votes. No one really knows how they'll fall. Then there are provisional ballots. In 2016 roughly 7500 provisional ballots were cast and 5000 voted for Hilary. That spread would put Biden up 6000 votes. Going back to the overseas, to make up that difference Trump will have to win the 9000 overseas ballots by about an 84-16 spread which seems extremely unlikely.
  4. It's only fraudulent where he's losing. Where he's winning, everything is totally legit. He's completely deranged.
  5. I'm genuinely worried after watching that. I'm extremely concerned that he's going to keep throwing gas on the fire until it erupts.
  6. Also, it's totally legit the results that the GOP got in the Senate, the House, and at the State level, but the Democrats somehow rigged it so that Poor Donald is the only guy on the GOP ticket who got screwed. He's completely screwed up in the head. Like his brain isn't functioning if he believes any of this garbage.
  7. He's not going anywhere. He's going to try to stay in power, and rely on his crazy supporters to come to his aide. Everything he said was completely delusional. He MUST know he's going to jail if he doesn't stay in office.
  8. Lie, after lie, after lie. Literally every single thing he's said is untrue. He is not going to leave quietly in January. No chance. He must know something is in the pipeline at the Southern District of NY and he's in serious legal trouble if he doesn't stay in office.
  9. There is none. He's firing up his idiot supporters to go out and get violent. When he loses, all hell is going to break loose.
  10. He's just reading bullet points from Breitbart about why he's losing. Every single one of his points is a completely lie.
  11. What is the purpose of complaining about polls? Seriously? He's completely unhinged. Trump - "I want to call a press conference." Staffer - "OK Mr. President. What are you going to talk about." T - "How the polls were wrong." S - "Why?" Edit - essentially every single thing he's said so far has been a lie.
  12. 5 seconds late he's already said the election is being stolen.
  13. I'm anticipating a huge temper tantrum. He's going to whine and complain about everything he thinks is going against him, spew numerous lies, say the election is rigged and completely embarrass himself.
  14. Trump is going to speak at 6:30. Should be a meltdown for the ages.
  15. Based off the numbers, Biden is going to get fewer votes in Philadelphia County than Hilary which seems crazy given that total turnout is up all over the state.
  16. Ya, probably within 2500 votes either way. Biden seems like a small favourite based off where the remaining votes will come from.
  17. Trump is going to lose PA by around 100k votes.
  18. OK, fine. You've posted nothing by lies. Feel better?
  19. The Georgia SoS just said there's 47k votes outstanding, about 30k of which are in dark blue democrat areas. Biden has been consistently polling around 70% on the votes today and he only need to get about 63% of the remaining votes to win.
  20. They just updated the numbers in Georgia and it looks pretty bad for Trump. Will probably lose by a tiny margin.
  21. I've posted plenty of facts and data today. You've posted nothing but debunked right wing conspiracy theories.
  22. Your lack of understanding of... anything, is astounding.
  23. It's almost like registered voters and eligible voters aren't the same thing. LOL
  24. The same is said for Democrats in red states. It goes both ways. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
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